Mortal Angels Descent
August 3, 2021
Of a dread eternal a suffering infernal whose ire wrought manifested disdain, these are the sensations made incarnated the ideas given life and the verbose vestiges made vicarious unto us, the listener; NECROCHAOS came out of the gate as a bullet from the barrel delivering a force familiar in sound but intimidating in design that which is Mortal Angels Descent.
The 6 piece LP opens with the thunderous "Word Of God" whose commencing passage grants no build-up or suspense but much rather forces the soundscape unto the unsuspecting; the song transitions a multitude of times between hastened progressions and slower almost Doom-like riffs giving weight to the themes of anger and desperation. "Masters Corpse" the next track begins with a full fronted build-up all elements crescendoing until the lyrical progression begins in which each aspect sort of plateaus into a disharmonic amalgamation of caustic and abrasive tone, giving power to the theming of vengeance. "Mortal Angels Descent," the title track, commences with a running start giving the listener no time to prepare-the striations and variances between the progressions and transitions paint this track in a different light whereupon it feels a greater focus was placed upon the intricacies of the composition; the lyrics explore the concept of transience both in and out of the self, that is, what the individual causes and what the individual acknowledges paralleled with defiance of religion and the embrace of obsolescence.
The construct of sound within the piece is a unique blend of gritty overdriven strings, caustic crashing cymbals, and primal instrumentation all of which work in unison to cultivate a well orchestrated melding of hatred and its ilk. The guitars are one of the greatest example of such as they exist in an aggressive niche with a tone and timbre that's unforgiving each track is laden with its aggressive essence; the bass is a bottoming force given drive and emphasis to each track, in various instances it gets lost as the strings play brighter riffs but it remains a looming punch hidden in abysmal depths; the drums are well blended to sit in and direct the rest of the instruments with perfectly timed accents and well-wrought transitions; lastly, the vocals are that of primal savagery possessing a sound to them that's equal parts gaudy and intimidating but, as well, such a form makes it difficult to discern any passage or phrase even with the lyrics present.
Mortal Angels Descent covets no one and exists solely in its own designation; the power of the album comes from its theming whereupon each instrument grants credence to the lyrical constructs and vice versa, the difficulty in interpreting such motifs is a particular point but doesn't take away from the strength of the record. For anyone with a love for Death Metal or a penchant for the philosophically macabre, NECROCHAOS, is a great choice and their debut perhaps then only hints at the grandeur that is to come.
8 / 10
"Mortal Angels Descent" Track-listing:
1. Word Of God
2. Masters Corpse
3. Bloodied Sacred Scriptures
4. Mortal Angels Descent
5. Last Prayer
6. Hell Arisen
Necrochaos Lineup:
Eugene - Everything
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