From Bandcamp, “NEBELKRÄEH were founded in 2007 and already sought their niche between classic Black Metal riffs and innovative elements with their debut album "entfremdet" (2009). With "Lebensweisen" (2013) they continued this approach and showed how contemporary Black Metal can sound. After ten years of intensive work, the third album "ephemer" will be released on Oct. 27th, 2023 via Crawling Chaos. The album has seven songs.
“Tumult auf Claim Abendland” is first. It is quite a unique take on the genre. The vocals are thick, harsh screams, and the music is somber, but also done with a bit of melody. I mostly get a desperate and somber feeling from the song. “Neilandsmann” has an angry, biting tone complete with some complex riffs, and it is sung in the band’s native language. The low brass is an interesting addition. The title track has some unusual chord progressions to go along with the snarly vocals. The lead guitar sings with lamenting tones, and you are left with anger and frustration as two key feelings.
“Dornbusch (Im Norden kein Westen)” begins with softer and more depressing tones, and is that an accordion I hear? From there it transitions to a heavier and more powerful sound, with the sting of harsh vocals. “Über Menschen unter Tage” comes out of the gates with an aggressive sound, mostly from the vocals and the rolling drums. The spoken word with depressive strings is the interlude, and the melodies that follow prove the band isn’t a one-trick pony. “Kranichträume” has despondent guitars and hateful vocals, perhaps expressing the duality of the darker side of life. As it continues along, it gets even more angry.
“Die Strandbar von Scheria” closes the album, and it’s the longest. Like so many of the other songs on the album, there is a delicate balance struck between hateful elements and despondent elements. This probably best sums up the album. As I mentioned before, it us unlike any other Black Metal album you have heard. Sure, there are traditional elements present but the band expands on them and adds their own flair. You also wouldn’t think of musicianship necessarily when you consider the genre, but that is strong as well.
7 / 10
"ephemer" Track-listing:
1. Tumult auf Claim Abendland
2. Nielandsmann
3. ephemer
4. Dornbusch (Im Norden kein Westen)
5. Über Menschen unter Tage
6. Kranichträume
7. Die Strandbar von Scheria
Nebelkrähe Lineup:
Latrodectus – Drums
Morg – Guitars
Umbra – Vocals
Miserere – Guitars
Nys – Bass
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