Laguz - Within The Lake


After seven years of Hagalaz' Runedance's searching for the spirit of Folk music and authentic […]
By Alex Farmakis
August 12, 2004
Nebelhexe - Laguz - Within The Lake album cover

After seven years of Hagalaz' Runedance's searching for the spirit of Folk music and authentic instruments Andrea Haugen felt the need to move on. She felt the urge to explore the many possibilities of creating music. Nebelhexe can be seen as an expression of her inner-world, her true self, without limitations to a specific genre.
Laguz - Within The Lake is Andrea's first album that is not under the name Hagalaz' Runedance. She has revived her previous artist name, Nebelhexe (in English fog-witch), because she partly went back to basics. Laguz - Within The Lake for sure has a lot of Hagalaz' Runedance's musical influences, but there is also a big portion of 80s Gothic music added into the concept, including a cover of Lene Lovich's Bird Song. Someone can also notice some influences from ambient music. Andrea aimed to combine her music with her other artistic expressions and added photos and paintings to bring her songs to life.
The music of Laguz - Within The Lake has for sure something magical. The songs can take you on a journey through other dimensions, to other worlds. All the songs are wonderful compositions and create a Folk and pagan atmosphere. Andrea's voice is enchanting and she puts a spell on everyone who listens to her.
I suggest this album to everyone that likes Folk music and pagan stories and traditions. I also suggest it to everyone who would like to explore musical paths that lead to medieval times. Laguz - Within The Lake is a praise of the human spirit and soul.
I don't want to follow a path...I want to create my own and leave a trail... - Nebelhexë

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"Laguz - Within The Lake" Track-listing:

Laguz - Within The Lake
My Visual World
Celtic Crows
Wake To Wither
Bird Song
Raven Night - Nightflight Mix
Sleeping Beauty
Touch Of Morpheus

Nebelhexe Lineup:

All voices by Andrea Haugen
Programming/synth, guitar and bass by Cosmocrator and Thorbjorn Akkerhaugen

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