Der Stille Wald


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: NACHTIG; signed via Purity Through […]
By Craig Rider
April 3, 2021
Nachtig - Der Stille Wald album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: NACHTIG; signed via Purity Through Fire Records, hailing from the glory of Germany - performing Atmospheric Black Metal, on the sophomore album entitled: "Der Stille Wald" (released March 21st, 2021).

Since formation in 2017; the soloist in question has 2 Demos entitled: "Demo I" (released May 24th, 2018), and "Demo II" (released July 23rd, 2018). A compilation of both aforementioned Demo releases entitled: "Demo I+II" (released September 12th, 2019), and 2 Full-Length Albums entitled: "Nachtig" (released October 31st, 2019) ...along with this here 2nd deliverance entitled: "Der Stille Wald" of which I am introduced to. 5 tracks ranging at around 54:30... NACHTIG arrange an intricately designed formula on some Atmospheric Black Metal developments.

Opening up with this ripping rhythm within the titular track, a kind of melancholic shred bestows an amplifying harmony filled with sorrow, torment & scouring melody. V.V. performs on everything, consisting of this wildly rushing surge of rampantly rompy revelation & skyrocketing majesty, showcasing an enriching element in a boisterously bouncy frenzy while still retaining that sense of dread and foreboding extremity. Implementing intensely intriguing but feverish density, sturdy riffs & tight weightiness utilises vehemently striking pursuits with remedious strife. Rifting razor-sharp desolation, gloomy but sombre solace that merges this ritualistic symbolism & mystifying distortions. Still managing to chug, gallop and frolic in a landscape of misty yet foggy distortion, as gnarly hooks chisel with mournful respite - variating things with this pianist exert for good measure near the closing finale.

V.V.'s vocals shout with raspy yells, maliciously shrieking with maddening but deep aggression. "Im Hohen Gras" conjures up more quintessential synergies, unleashing virtuose stabilities that trailblaze with monstrously meaty manifestations on weighty grovels and ambiently eerie contrasts fluidly captures a bombastic flow with sulfurous yet primitively raw dexterity, dynamically evolving with towering pursuits that revel with rambunctiously thumpy stompiness while this organic substance on hybrid experimentation crafts an exquisitely daunting impact as flamboyant firepower fiercely pierces through with profusely robust profanities in a blackened atmosphere, entrancing an intriguing amount of grinding slays that tempestuously bulldozes an audible bass injection which venomously infects a blistering foundation on punchy jumpiness that will transfix your soul with mountainous tempos while steely precision yet woeful resonance still revolves through you.

"Berg und Tal" starts off with this meditating acoustic, before advancing while mesmerising you with more electrical emptiness. Spiritual poignancy unravels unearthly cords as choppy crunchiness thuds with moody persistence, as a dark but dismal array shrouds you with concretely gritty instrumentation while this savage trepidation on tribulation & savage apprehension completely possessed V.V. which summons this trembling shuddering. Malevolent yet mellow, there is a lot of pent up rage that is filled with nothing but fear and inquietude here. This springs to mind: Depressive Black Metal territory at its utmost prime, the sense of dislocation along with unbound loss has a deadly effect not only to offer total sadness & misery onto your person, but also give a somewhat sinister but brooding characteristic so you don't feel...totally low.

The penultimate exert: "Auf Ewig Mein'' begins with this melodramatic piano section, until this outbursting shroud of upbeat crescendos belts a soaring ramification, roaring with relentless zest & salubriously killer lacerations that slay with ominous yet momentous gravitation. Dancing with  substantial energy, exhilarating away from that other worldly transition of outcast before bringing it all back with more woeful trails. As if everything he had gained had been destroyed in his very presence, leaving him with nothing but himself and his surroundings...only to start all over, or accept defeat.

The overall concluding epic: "Wenn die Hoffnung stirbt..." distils a chiselling fabrication on vibrantly quirky spectrums, revelling with this slithering but distinguished harrowing, barking with more distinctive boundaries of quantum synthetics, systematically morphing from celebratory intrigue followed by a deep sense of pity within his archetype of remorse & vertigo virulence - before closing with this strange sense of enlightenment as I hear birds chirping with vitality & life near the end as if the scene transformed with this subdued machination of revolved metamorphosis towards that structure of bleak but haunting psychosis, until reaching that revolution of total enlightenment that's marvellously portrayed right at the end.

Bottom line; V.V. & NACHTIG most certainly demonstrated an enticing embodiment of some evil empowering expertise, culminating distress and bliss with uniquely rewarding vigour. Rigorously providing an enriching flair of anguishing, grief followed by a heavy dose of some strong songwriting musicianship that will establish a jarring yet enjoyable experience for all Black Metal worshippers. Definitely a discovery that's worthy of a few spins, "Der Stille Wald" should be checked out once or twice.

8 / 10









"Der Stille Wald" Track-listing:

1. Der stille Wald
2. Im Hohen Gras
3. Berg und Tal
4. Auf Ewig Mein
5. Wenn die Hoffnung stirbt...

Nachtig Lineup:

V.V. - Everything

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