

MYTHO is a new quartet from Italy, formed by Enzo Ferlazo and brothers Antonio, Fabrizio […]
By Yiannis Zervos
August 26, 2008
Mytho - Mytho album cover

MYTHO is a new quartet from Italy, formed by Enzo Ferlazo and brothers Antonio, Fabrizio and Marco Machera. The sound of MYTHO is based on synth-guitars which both Antonio and Enzo use.

MYTHO's first demo includes 3 songs and I must say I was impressed by their amazing sound. Usually the level of production in this kind of demos is lower than it should be, but MYTHO managed to reach a great level in the final mix. Of course the extent of use of midi guitars helps MYTHO to create this sound and I am sure, in a full-length album, they will try to elevate the quality of the synth-sounds.

MYTHO's style is mainly Progressive Melodic Rock, entering the KING CRIMSON territories many times in this demo, with the impressive backing and lead vocals that Marco Machera (who plays bass as well) providing a really smooth final result, but they tent to use long notes in their melodies and this long mid-tempo rhythm sometimes leads MYTHO's music to platitude.

MYTHO made a noble effort with this demo and prove they have the potential to make good music. We'll just have to wait and see.

7 / 10


"Mytho" Track-listing:

Alpha Centauri
No Shadows In The Sun
Night Eyes

Mytho Lineup:

Enzo Ferlazoo - Synth Guitar
Antonio Machera - Synth Guitar
Marco Machera - Vocals, Bass
Fabrizio Machera - Drums

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