Hell & Fury
Mystery Blue
March 26, 2010

Bad news 'bout MYSTERY BLUE's new CD is that they are hardly remembered now by 80s Metal fans while I doubt younger metalheads have ever even come across these name; hence, the "woman singing in Metal band" link shall probably bring to mind bands MYSTERY BLUE has very little - if anything - in common with. But this is the good news.
MYSTERY BLUE - the brainchild of only original member now guitarist "Frenzy" Philippon - was formed in 1982 and had the chance to be a living part of the Heavy Metal revolt in the rest of Europe after Britain rocked hard with the NWOBHM phenomenon. Two stunning albums - "Mystery Blue" (1984) and "Circle Of Shame" (1986) - and a series of full-experience gigs with bands like SAXON, SATAN JOKERS, MOTORHEAD, VENGEANCE and DEF LEPPARD helped the French band approaching a level their youth couldn't possibly control. On hiatus until the mid-90s, the reformed MYSTERY BLUE utilized the female Metal services of steel singer Nathalie and a new era for this honest Metal act begun. Three albums until this brand new "Hell & Fury" CD release show MYSTERY BLUE do breathe and work hard for their band and music showing visible marks of metallic dignity the old-fashioned way plus an adequate level of building up the songs and lyrics they believe so much in.
"Hell & Fury" is an album you cannot digest if not aware/fond of (other than the commercial ones) 80s Metal bands. Strictly Metal ("Nuclear Skies"), nothing less or more, I expand. Riffs straight from the heart ("No Way Out") with accuracy but also fireblazing solos ("Welcome To Chaos") spreading rust ("Metal Attack"), pounding ("Fate") drums/bass parts that have nothing in common with the over-compressed digital cans of today and - in the foreground - the masculine voice of Nathalie whose 'balls' would be a dream-come-true for a lot of 'then & now' singers assuming they kill on sight with shrieking vocals and only. This lady had already impressed me in MYSTERY BLUE's previous album "Claws Of Steel"; she unleashes traditional yet fresh-made melodies but does not fear of the dark in most dark/malicious parts (she may sound pressed and out of tune in a couple of times, though - "The Deadly Nightshade", "Hell & Fury"). The band's music helps her 'diva' role, truth is, since the classic yet hard-line style of PHANTOM BLUE provides to be a trustworthy layer for various vocal expressions.
In something less than 50 minutes "Hell & Fury" showcases a band conscious of their aims regarding musicmaking; they have shimmering Metal melodies ("Piece Of Eternity", "When Time Is Pain") but still believe Metal music should be played mainly fast , loud and proud ("Endangering Species"). This album is - unfortunately - being released in a different era but we classic Metal fans should feel happy half of the album's songs - at least - are still being written. Fans of JUDAS PRIEST/PRIMAL FEAR, MALTEZE, OSTROGOTH, ZED YAGO and SATAN JOKERS/BLASPHEME should shake hands with these beloved French Metal warriors.
8 / 10
"Hell & Fury" Track-listing:
- The Night Before
- Hell & Fury
- Endangering Species
- Welcome To Chaos
- Metal Attack
- No Way Out
- Fate
- Piece Of Eternity
- Nuclear Skies
- The Deadly Nightshade
- When Time Is Pain
Mystery Blue Lineup:
Nathalie Geyer - Vocals
Frenzy - Guitars
Vince - Drums
Rikki - Bass
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