Als Een Woeste Horde


I am damn sure that the review itself will take less time than the time […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
December 10, 2008
Myrkvar - Als Een Woeste Horde album cover

I am damn sure that the review itself will take less time than the time I spent to write the band's line up! The fact is that after having my ass kicked Shiver's DEDICTED, one more not so ordinary Shiver Records band comes along. If it will kick my ass, well... We will have to find out.

The band hails from Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, and has been active since 2003. Since their formation, MYRKVAR (a word that I have no clue what it means) have released two demos and a single CD. As it seems, these releases were enough for the Belgian label. The funny thing about the MYRKVAR case is that the band hails from Netherlands, as I said above, and the label's site has a huge note in the contact section that says WE ONLY SIGN BELGIAN BANDS.

Did the label break the oath? I guess they could do it, but why choose such a weak band? They could definitely find something better. And I say this because MYRKVAR were not able to attract my attention with their Viking influenced Folk Black Metal. With a sound similar to bands like HEIDEVOLK, ELUVEITIE and MANEGARM, the Dutch metallers seem to be lost somewhere in mediocrity since the songs here are nothing more than classic Folk Black Metal with nothing new or so interesting to make you notice them. Let me also add that the album's sound is incredibly shitty, something that doesn't help the band. I guess that a more polished sound would fit them much better.

Als Een Woeste Horde will definitely not be a part of my top releases for 2008. I guess that MYRKVAR can do much better than this, so I will just wait to see what the future has in store for us. Until then, this album will be probably filled with dust somewhere in my room.

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Als Een Woeste Horde" Track-listing:

Stilte Voor De Storm
I Viking
Den Ware Held
Geboren Uit Oorlogslendenen
Krijgers Van Walhalla
Helreid Brynhilde

Myrkvar Lineup:

Pieke 'Hjorulf' Sehoonbrood - Vocals, Guitar
Rik 'Uruz' Otte - Guitar
Klaartje 'Fusilan' Van Zwoll - Violin, Backing Vocals
Karel 'Herybern' Kok - Bass, Jew's Harp
Hugo 'Eburaz' De Waal - Drums
Faber 'Hrabnilaz' Horbaeh - Synths, Backing Vocals, Flute

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