An Unbroken Threnody: 2005-2015
My Silent Wake
May 25, 2016

Clocking in at almost 80 minutes, this is a comprehensive compilation/best of from the UK based band.
I never heard of this band before and it's always a treat to listen to new bands from all around the world.
After a first glance at the names of the songs, I sensed a band that leans towards lyrical themes like depression, despair and downfall. Being in a bad place in my personal life, I really didn't think their music was going to lift my spirits to be perfectly honest.
The first song is called "Sturm". This reminded me a lot of the earlier albums of AMON AMARTH, though it's much slower. The clean vocals on this one also really made me think of PARADISE LOST.
The second song is "The Last Man". The acoustic guitar is top notch on this one. The vocalist (and the aforementioned special effects in the voice) really reminded of the mastery of SAMAEL back in the day. When the Death Metal vocals kicked in, well, it was like hearing Angela Gossow all over again and it was really nice.
The third song is "And So It Comes To An End". This is gloomy Doom Metal at its best. I really liked the fact that it does not have too many vocals and you can appreciate the musical prowess of the rest of the band.
The fourth song is "Cruel Grey Skies". It starts off with one hell of a guitar solo and then leans towards something resembling some OPETH! I love OPETH, especially their first few albums, and this reminded me a lot of their random goodness. Even though the clean vocals seem to be quite uneven on this one, the Death Metal Vocals are really on point.
The fifth song is "Burning". The production is subpar on this one and it's evident that it was one of the earlier songs of their career. This reminded me a lot of "The Wonders at Your Feet" by DARK TRANQUILITY or some of Peter Tagtgren's work with PAIN. One of the most solid songs off of this varied compilation.
The sixth song is "Journey's End". If you really liked the last BORKNAGAR album, this is definitely for you. One of the most eclectic songs of this album and the vocals have a lot of special effects in them. This is probably my second favorite song on this compilation.
The seventh song is "Oblivion". This is a throwback to one of the best (and criminally underrated!) Metal Bands of my generation, NEVERMORE! If you loved "Inside Four Walls", you'll love this one for sure!
The eighth song is "Tunnels". This is the longest song of the compilation; and it reminded me a lot of something I reviewed late last year in SYG:AR:TYR. Very atmospheric, very dreamy and reminded me also of the Post Metal Legends, NEUROSIS. This is my favorite song from them by far and I really want to hear that on an album in the coming future.
The ninth song is "The Dying Things We're Living For". This is in the same vein as "Sturm"; and sounds like some early AMON AMARTH.
The tenth song of the compilation is "Bleak Endless Winter". It's the most repetitive song off of this opus. The guitar work is mediocre at best and I found it very irritable. It's a very slow song and reminded of the last few albums from ISIS.
The eleventh song is "Highwire". It starts off with a wicked bass solo and it has the most solid guitar work you will hear on this compilation. If you loved the Swedish Death Metal scene in the late nineties and early 2000's, this is right up your alley!
The twelfth song is "Shadows of Sorrow". This is a live version of this song. They sound as good live as they do on the CD. You can hear the emotion in the voice of the singer and the song gets a whole new meaning when you hear it live. I am curious to listen to some other live stuff from this band. This reminded me a whole lot of the first few albums from MY DYING BRIDE. The vocalist might not have the same heart wrenching emotion but it's still pretty awesome.
The last song of this compilation is called "Mimir's Well". This is an instrumental song. It's very atmospheric and it's largely different from anything else. It's a great way to finish a pretty interesting and varied compilation.
7 / 10

"An Unbroken Threnody: 2005-2015" Track-listing:
- Sturm
- The Last Man
- And So It Comes to an End
- Cruel Grey Skies
- Burning
- Journey's End
- Oblivion
- Tunnels
- The Dying Thing We're Living For
- Bleak Endless Winter
- Highwire
- Shadow of Sorrow (Live)
- Mimir's Well
My Silent Wake Lineup:
Ian Arkley - Guitars, Piano, E-bow, Synthetizers, Didgeridoo, Vocals
Marc Ellison - Acoustic guitar
Adam Westlake - Bass
Gareth Arlett - Drums
Mike Hitchen - Guitars
Simon Bibby - Keyboards
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