Violence Made History

My Own Fear

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: MY OWN FEAR; signed via […]
May 30, 2022
My Own Fear - Violence Made History album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: MY OWN FEAR; signed via Music Records, hailing from French grounds - performing Thrash/Death Metal, on their debut full-length studio album entitled: "Violence Made History" (released April 15th, 2022). Since formation in 2011; the quintet in question have only released an EP entitled: "Rise" (released November 28th, 2014) & this here debut full-length studio album of which I am introduced to entitled. 10 tracks ranging around 39:13; this 5-piece band arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Thrash/Death Metal amalgamations.

Opening up with this augmented array in a spacious outre of this other-worldly soundscape; "Once Upon A Fall" starts off the record with synthetic furore, before unleashing this thunderous barrage frenzy on trailblazing thrashiness that steamrolls with rampantly rompy thuds & sturdy trembles of reverberating rumbles within "6:1 -8". A blistering bludgeoning brutally belts a clobbering foundation in flamboyant distortion, as amplified adrenaline hooks a boisterously bouncy fabrication on monstrously meaty pandemonium that strikes with profusely robust ramifications on rawly rough tonality that rips with monolithic tempos stridently & savagely. Swerving with strifing rifts of ripping shreds, consisting guitarists Stéphane Néraud & Fabrice Darmon frolic into a galloping whirlwind of relentlessly dexterous chisels while rapidly swift nimbleness towers with twinning pursuits of rollicking blitzkrieg amongst a sonically seamless maelstrom tactic to boot.

"Dux Bellarum" bulldozes eardrums with punchy tightness & weighty jumpiness, revelling with riveting ruthlessness while trampling bass audibility quivers souls with malicious contortion and thumpy wrath from Gilles Sala. While this volatile slab on solid pummelling from hammering drummer Sébastien Geley also implements a concretely gritty grind on slaying kicks and crunchy chunkiness, distilling a chiselling dynamic on volatile yet venomous stability. Synergising with upheaval momentum, "Hell Fire Club (H.F.C.)" sulphurously injects an infectious yet snarly quake on scouring virulence & organic substance that go berserk into a barbarically insane transition of speedy mayhem that will make you want to break chairs over other chairs in no time.

The pugnacious grooves bomb with vicious versatility on rebellious firepower expertise which salubriously stampedes with rampaging onslaughts of pounding upheaval, especially in "Torquemada" which stomps with rambunctiously piledriving remedy. The sound production keeps unleashing my inner hysteria to maniacally forge a diabolical execution while twinning grips excel densely into a distinctively distinguished flair of radically wicked fundamentals in flexibly brutal bestiality. Not to forget frontman Nicolas who soars with roaring throatiness on deep guttural growls and grunty bellows, as barking shoutiness yells with severe authority and bleeding remorselessness. "Ghosts On The Warpath" crafts a loud crescendo on tremolo intensity, as catchy bombast delivers a thrilling piercing of tremoring aggression and heated artillery of onslaughts that systematically smother you with raging potential.

"Salem" attributes at an immense furore as demolishing furocity chops out with wildly rushing sharpness & razor-splitting chaos - as caustic hostility inhumanely sears their instruments into a all guns blazing/firing all cylinders crush which shines with tenacious addictiveness and experimental barbarity. Then, this hybrid interlude with the 3 part "Era Of The Rats" makes this meticulous panache of acoustic, drum cymbal slaps that march epically and euphonically with "1349 - Era Of The Rat, Pt 1" until the rhythmic sanguinary within the penultimate banger: "Devoured By Pestilence - Era Of The Rats, Pt. 2" malevolently materialises more pompous descegration, as overarching methods of attacking chugs leap with visceral tonality among a vociferous possession that overall concludes "Violence Made History" with the finale blasting of the 3rd part of : "Empire Of The Rats - Era Of The Rats, Pt. 3".

Bottom line; I had a shockwave rush jamming to this one, MY OWN FEAR spiralled through me like a battering ram of ruthless demolition. "Violence Made History" demonstrated creative noise terror that has a captivating experience embedded in which makes this one surely worthy of spinning, replaying & enjoying a good bunch of times! The merger of these Thrash/Death Metal subgenres has an incredibly strong virtuosity that quintessentially marvels with great grandeur and characteristic brilliance. Do check it out should you fancy scathing through some loud but heavy as fuck brutality, this record will get bodies motivated mightily in no time.

10 / 10









"Violence Made History" Track-listing:

1. Once Upon A Fall
2. 6:1 -8
3. Dux Bellarum
4. Hell Fire Club (H.F.C.)
5. Torquemada
6. Ghosts On The Warpath
7. Salem
8. 1349 - Era Of The Rats, Pt. 1
9. Devoured By Pestilence - Era Of The Rats, Pt. 2
10. Empire Of The Rats - Era Of The Rats, Pt. 3

My Own Fear Lineup:

Gilles Sala - Bass
Sébastien Geley - Drums
Stéphane Néraud - Guitars/Vocals (backing)
Fabrice Darmon - Guitars
Nicolas - Vocals

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