The World Seems to be Fading

My Death Belongs to You

Switzerland's MY DEATH BELONGS TO YOU bring you their debut album, titled "The World Seems […]
October 26, 2020
My Death Belongs to You - The World Seems to be Fading album cover

Switzerland's MY DEATH BELONGS TO YOU bring you their debut album, titled "The World Seems to be Fading." Described by artist Bornyhake Ormenos as "a Funeral Doom/Death Metal hymn for loners and secluded people who're trying to build a heroic architecture as the cradle for a new hope but only with some damaged and crippled materials." The album contains five tracks.

"The Morning After Death" leads off the album, at close to eleven-minutes in length. It begins with some atmospheric tones and the feeling that something nefarious is out there. When the main riff drops, it's both weighted and slow...really soaking in. It builds very slowly...with no vocals until the three-minute mark. Everything drops besides some drums, piano notes, and whispered vocals. The heavy riff returns with guttural vocals that just rip into your flesh. It waxes and wanes several times throughout, so that the heavier passages are accented more.

"Tomorrow is the Last Day" is a ten-minute track. It opens with these eerie bell sounds that are incongruent with the main, heavy riff. Harsh give way to a brief passage of lead guitar that is harrowing and vile. The depressing sound actually gets worse as the song progresses. I picture a great beast wandering a cold, barren landscape, never reaching its destination before it ultimately dies. It ends with these eerie piano notes that sound like they come from a horror movie.

"Mon Tombeau" is another eleven-minute track that takes its time getting moving. Harsh vocals lead a charge of weighted guitars and an impossibly slow song. Each drum strike reverberates in your soul. The madness continues and nearly consumes you along the way. "Your Dark Embrace" builds into a faster moving song with plenty of frightening elements along the way. Scary doesn't begin to describe the sound here. It's so dark that it is like a black hole moving through space, swallowing up everything its path with an unparalleled sense of obliteration.

"The World Seems to be Fading" closes the album...a thirteen-minute opus. Once the main sound is established, it features charming piano notes, juxtaposed with the heavy riffing and gut-wrenching vocals. Some lead guitars fill in the sound around the half-way mark. Some light piano joins in towards the end, followed by along fade-out of piano notes that are both frightening and charming at the same time. These are the notes I would expect to hear as the world finally fades away.

As I continue my deep delve into the Doom Metal genre, there are a lot of nice surprises along the way. This album has that perfect sense of deep, gut-wrenching fear of everything you know and love passing beyond your grasp. Normally, piano would make me feel jovial, but if done properly, as done here, it only adds to the depths of despair. I would not recommend this album if you are already in a saddened mood, but if you want something hauntingly beautiful and horridly depressing, this is the album for you.

8 / 10









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"The World Seems to be Fading" Track-listing:

1. The Morning After Death
2. Tomorrow is the Last Day
3. Mon Tombeau
4. Your Dark Embrace
5. The World Seems to be Fading

My Death Belongs to You Lineup:

Bornyhake Ormenos - Everything

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