The Black Widow
Murder Castle
April 12, 2020
Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: MURDER CASTLE; independently unsigned, hailing from the United States of America - performing Groove/Doom Metal, on their 3rd album entitled: "The Black Widow" (released February 13th, 2020).
Since formation in 2012; the trio in question have 3 albums in their discography so far, "Heretic's Fork" (released March 12th, 2012), "Psychopath" (released May 26th, 2015) and this here 3rd album that I am about to review; "The Black Widow". 10 tracks ranging at around 57:01; MURDER CASTLE arrange an intricately designed amalgamation of Groove/Doom Metal development. "Narration From The Detective" begins the record; conveying a mass static of electricity, until unloading an amplified barraged frenzy of boistrously bouncy adrenaline & crunchy groove-laden instrumentation. Implementing hardened harmonies with the doomy aesthetic in a bizarre yet stylish fashion; forging a borderline foundation of catchy manifestations, meticulous melodies that rollick with uniquely versatile vehemence & riveting solidities.
Consisting of Bill Kaos on guitars/vocals; the frontman excels with thunderously blistering fretworks that shred with rip-roaring rhythms, while revelling with sonically seamless pursuits of progressively technical songwriting musicianship and a gnarly whirlwind of wonderously prodegious lacerations of outrè panache that persists with monstrously meaty jumpiness. The 1st part of the titular track showcases relentlessly persevering substance, organically yelling with throaty yet killer & profusely robust pipes while rocketing with weighty tightness. Salubriously trailblazing with volatile precision, while bleeding out distorted hymns & a healthy dose of extremely captivating craftsmanship. Hypnotizing eardrums with diligently detailed complexity, while culminating dynamically dextrous vibrancy that portrays quirky snappiness & razor-sharp skill - rapidly swifting with nimble stability.
"Lured Into Lust" contrasts consistently exhilerating creativity; converging hasty havoc with sludgy yet mesmerising systematics that expertly inputs this stoner-esquire element while injecting a primitively momentous slab of old-school psychedelia for good measure. Audible bassist Paul Loew infectiously thumps with rawly rough ramifications; embellishing on an experimental fabrication of alluring sublimity, savage variety & distinctively distinguished hymns that will motivate you in no time. "Clarity" demonstrates impactful finesse; efficaciously dominating with those mighty lungs, gritty catchiness & accurately coherent energy fuelled with magnetic sophistication of other-worldly proportion. With William also on drums; he hammers with steely shines and an oscilliating slammer of immersively intense grandures that distils a chunky slab of pummelling pounds while frolicking chaotic gallops in which revolves around a majestic maelstrom of overarching mayhem.
"Spitting Teeth" smothers scattering cravings of bulldozing piledriving that rampently supplies a concrete formulaic; in which offers a constructive chemistry of engaging layers, towering with thick yet rambunctious retribution. Rellishing with wildly rushing grinds in which rumbles with ruthless pandemonium, moody vibes & mandatory malignance that will have you crushing while merged with an intensely chilled ambient - with its elegantly exquisite enticement of gloomy atmosphere & heavy death tones. "Kiss Of Poison" slivers with an imflammable bombardment of combustible firepower; establishing an enriching embodiment of stampeding rage, while polished with a fluid representation of rampaging sound production ultimatums and eccentric concepts that have this ritualistic yet trembling aura to it.
Part 2 of the titular track comes into play next; with this traditional intriguement of chathartic lyricism, sulphurously surged with mellifluous euphonics & an impressively converged enlightenment of frantically fulfilling hostility. "Evidence" slows things down a bit with this tenaciously mettlesome riff; reticuled with trippy yet striking pattern that flows into a potent strife of tough soundscapes, mid-tempo mobility & persevering qualities make this a memorably pleasing track. "Sabotage Of The Predator" carries on the appealing conundrum of this bone-crushing experience; executing a grandiose assembly of an inventively artistic scale of magnum-opus, yet neck-breaking remarkability. MURDER CASTLE are a band who are unafraid to transcend their potentially talented minds with unprecedented results, this 3rd record surely prooves that motive so far.
"Bonesaw Laceration" explains itself as its literally in the title; swerving with slashing yet materialized silver-lining of tearingly radical structures, an arsenal armed to the teeth with groundbreaking distributions and an acute ability of unleashing speedy velocity with thrillingly gripping hooks that will make anyone break chairs over other chairs. Overall concluding "The Black Widow" with the finishing epic finale entitled: "Bloodsplattered Outroduction"; in which again entails more deadly blitzkreig of titantic splendidness, I am compelled to say that MURDER CASTLE most certainly outdone themselves with this one. I gave it a thorough listen for about 3 times in a straight row, so there is a bunch of replayability value here. If you love your BLACK SABBATH fused with CORROSION OF CONFORMITY, etched with a hint of CATHEDRAL & CROWBAR...I think these guys will most definitely grab a new-found discovery and love for your never-ending collection of metal to enjoy. Do check it out right now!
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"The Black Widow" Track-listing:
1. Narration from the Detective
2. The Black Widow PT1
3. Lured into Lust
4. Clarity
5. Spitting Teeth
6. Kiss of Poison
7. The Black Widow PT2
8. Evidence
9. Sabotage of the Predator
10. Bloodsplattered Outroduction
Murder Castle Lineup:
Bill Kaos - Guitars, Vocals
Paul Loew - Bass
William Buckley - Drums
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