June 22, 2004

From 1977 to 2004 what we call "Metal has gone through countless changes; genres have risen and others just faded into history. Bands have changed their playing style more times than I can remember, bands have sold their soul to the $ devil and others simply tried to do something different than the classic Heavy Metal pattern.
Motorhead though is one of the purest, unchanged bands in Metal ever! They've never changed a single bit in their music and they've never disappointed their fans, not once! Even in the mid 90's when Metal was taking a downward road, Motorhead had no problem at all sticking to what they knew best!
"Inferno couldn't be a less great release from these pioneers. This album simply blew my ears off from the very first moment! I think Lemmy is one of the few artists in the world who know the correct recipe to success without having to play any "MTV unplugged shows or launch any huge promotional campaign. These guys simple never needed any influence at all! On the contrary Motorhead has influenced more bands that you could ever imagine (actually I'm pretty sure you can imagine) and at the same time managed to remain the same through 30 years of Motor-history!
What can I say about an album which I consider it to be one of Motorhead's best albums ever? Yeah, you heard me right, this album's got it all! Catchy riffs, clever lyrics, funky tunes, smashing drums and Lemmy's unique scratching vocals. It's got all the necessary ingredients from albums like "Ace Of Spades, "Iron Fist or "Overkill to make you bang your heads to death. Of course it's also got it's own identity, it's own unique points which believe me, will be (once more) classics!
I'm sure songs like "Fight, "Smiling Like A Killer, "Down On Me, "In The Name Of Tragedy and "Killers will create huge mosh pits wherever they got to played live. I'm talking about complete Motorhead chaos!
There's also a country/blues-style song on "Inferno, "Whorehouse Blues, which is simply great (makes me want to go to the beach, light up a fire and drink tons of beer while listening to the song!), awesome feeling (Lemmy kicks ass, he knows what people want from Motorhead). The rest of the songs (Life's A Bitch, Suicide, In The Year Of The Wolf etc) may not be extremely fast-beating tracks but they've got what it takes to make you sing along and get that head moving! We also got a special, superb appearance by guitar-superstar Steve Vai on "Terminal Show and "Down On Me which will simply thrill you (even though I also like "Terminal Show for it's killer drums and thundering riffs, I like it a little bit less than the rest of the songs).
"Inferno is a hell-breathing classic Motorhead album which I'm sure will melt down your stereos! All hail Lemmy and his band who've never stopped giving us great albums for the last 30 years!
This album is real musicians playing real music. There were no rules - Lemmy
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"Inferno" Track-listing:
Terminal Show
In The Nake Of Tragedy
Life's A Bitch
Down On Me
In The Black
In The Years Of The Wolf
Keys To The Kingdom
Smiling Like A Killer
Whorehouse Blues
Motorhead Lineup:
Lemmy - Bass & Vocals
Philip Campbell - Guitar
Mikkey Dee - Drums
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