Domain Of Death
November 4, 2001
WHOA! Mortician keep surprising me with all the boredom they can squeeze in a record. Yes (and I mean it) THIS... IS... BORING!!! I think it's their time to break up as a band, after all, Beujard is a better drummer than a guitar-destroyer.
Where are the glory-days? House by the cemetery got burned in fire and the Zombie Apocalypse has ended years ago. So what must they do? Break up now before they turn into humiliated clowns.
And the rank is...
4 / 10
Nothing special
"Domain Of Death" Track-listing:
Brood Of Evil
Maimed And Mutilated
The Hatchet Murders
Extinction Of Mankind
Domain Of Death
Pulsating Protoplasma (Pungent Stench cover)
Martin (The Vampire)
Telepathic Terror
Mutilation Of Human Race
Wasteland Of Death
Dr. Gore
Extra Uterine Pregnancy (Disastrous Murmur cover)
Necronomicon Exmortis
Mortician Lineup:
Will Rahmer - Bass/Vocals
Roger Beujard - Guitars/Drum Programming
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