After Light/After Dark


Greetings earthlings and headbangers all over the world. I'm OverlyMetalJames and I bring you another […]
By OverlyMetalJames
December 20, 2014
Morrigu - After Light/After Dark album cover

Greetings earthlings and headbangers all over the world. I'm OverlyMetalJames and I bring you another review on the latest edition of Metal Temple! This band and album as a whole kind of helped me out alot in figuring out my faults in previous reviews, thanks to the advice from Demolition Dolan who is constant motivation in my life since I've known him. Now onto the album review because this needs to be addressed of how unimpressed I was by MORRIGU latest effort titled "After Light/After Dark" released in November of this year. I won't lie but this album is highly insanely ground-breaking has a lot to offer, but whilst the band sounds really tight and talents in the band are well-accomplished musicians this entire record sounds strained in the sense they have tried to sound and tried to be something they are not, and this is shown heavily on "Before Light" it's the same riffs repeatedly throughout the whole song and yet its somewhat catchy and still grabs listeners but only barely and don't get me wrong I love the melodicism but its lacking diversity and something else I can't seem to pickup upon, The late great Bruce Lee always said "Be like water" and MORRIGU have failed to do so therefore a average start.

"My Curse, My Sweet Revenge" which is second track on the album not much difference from the opener to be fairly honest and sounds like "Killswitch Engage - Last Serenade" and just sounds the same as "Before Light", never the less Severin is a very praising vocalist so I will admit this does seem to be more appealing to the human ear.

Now one of the best songs on the album and arguably the most original on the record is track 3 "Black Messiah" is loaded with Severin's powerhouse of pipes and excellent musicianship from the rest of the band. On this track, Roger plays a beautiful James Murphy styled solo and blends in with Severin superb vocal talent fantastic to rock out to if you're at a metal-bar!

"Its Getting Dark"; holy crap I'm in love with this song and arguably my favourite on the record! I just fell in love with the melodicism on this track, Severin has just become one of my top five vocalist in Progressive Death Metal He sings the chorus and the song like he is telling a personal story, reminds me of STAIND, MUDVAYNE superb influence right there. The chorus is best part and makes you feel like you can relate to the story I love songs like that, I would not be surprised if MORRIGU are influenced by the famous sounds of Metallica and of course not forgetting the greats such as IRON MAIDEN ("X Factor era") you may not agree with me but these are the influences I hear so learn to love it. "A New Beginning" is a nice simple beautiful instrumental to open up "Homeless And Ostracized". Which is packed with sheer complexity on the guitar, which is shown impressively by the chemistry between Severin and Roger. The chorus is powerful and like "Its Getting Dark", its one of those epics in metal that has a story to relate with and Severin's vocal abilities are majestic the dude can hold that microphone that's for damn sure!

"Day Of A New Society" is a very powerful tune that packs a punch of a great deal of simplicity and melodicism. The riffs are very well placed but are lacking of creativity in certain places, the song itself is just lacking in general despite the fact its powerful and simple yet melodic and not really delivering a impact towards the fans. The chorus is easily the highlight due to Severin vocals, which are powerful.

Nearing the end of this album now and I have to say it gets rather weak-ish. As shown in "Deceived" it's very clear that MORRIGU seemed to run out of ideas in the sense that they gave their best efforts on the first half of the record, "Suicide Nation" and "After Dark" the band just ran out of fuel despite the last three songs still very well structured.

7 / 10


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"After Light/After Dark" Track-listing:

1. Intro
2. Before Light
3. My Curse, My Sweet Revenge
4. Black Messiah
5. Its Getting Dark
6. A New Beginning
7. Homeless And Ostracized
8. The Day Of A New Society
9. Deceived
10. Suicide Nation
11. After Dark

Morrigu Lineup:

Severin - Lead Vocals, Guitar
Roger - Lead Guitar
Mirko - Bass Guitar
Christoph - Drums

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