Revealed From Ashes
November 28, 2014

The main thing I look for in bands today is innovation, and Tech/Prog elements feature prominently in most of my Metal playlists for their sheer. But, as someone much wiser than myself once said, "You can't beat the classics," and to a degree this is true, especially in Death Metal. Bands like GORGUTS and SPAWN OF POSSESSION are awesome, but I know I personally am not always in the mood for stuff I have to think about and process too much. That's where bands like Bangladesh's MORBIDITY come in.
I'll probably not be the first (or last) to say it, but Bangladesh is hardly the first name that comes to mind when thinking of Metal-rich countries. That, however, doesn't stop them from producing a potent slab of Death Metal in the vein of classic acts like DISMEMBER, MALEVOLENT CREATION, and early DEATH with their debut LP, "Revealed From Ashes." Certainly, these are some bold comparisons to make, but I think the opening minute of "Incarnation of Death" makes it abundantly clear that these guys are no mere copycats, with riff after fearsome riff backed by the unforgiving onslaught of Nefarious' drums. The slaughter continues with the equally enthralling "Let There Be Chaos" and "Morbidity." The leads on the album remind me a bit of "Show No Mercy"-era SLAYER, and the guitars' wicked squeals gives the music an even more sinister feel, as if the band needed another outlet through which to channel their nightmarish visions. Deflier's vocals differ slightly from the average, Chris Barnes-esque growler, but they suit the harshness of the music well, and the fact that the lyrics are discernable is a major plus, helping make the album's strong material even more memorable.
The variance of tempos is also nice in that it keeps the songs from blending too much, despite the fact that the band's approach varies very little throughout the album. A notable exception is "SkullCrusher," a more mid-paced number that has a very "Scream Bloody Gore" feel to it, and whose name accurately sums up its approach and effect on the listener. The album closes out with the fantastic "Unholy Resurrection," which sees the band put their (collective) foot back on the gas pedal before slowing to a sickly pace and lumbering to a halt.
"Revealed From Ashes" is pretty straightforward overall, though fans of simple and complex Metal alike should definitely find a lot to like in this hellish rampage of an album. This is high quality Death Metal, the way it was originally intended to be played, plain and simple.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Revealed From Ashes" Track-listing:
1. Decaying Souls
2. Incarnation of Death
3. Let There Be Chaos
4. Morbidity
5. Pits of Eternal Torment
6. Revealed From Ashes
7. SkullCrusher
8. Unholy Resurrection
Morbidity Lineup:
Defiler - Vocals
Skorcher - Guitars
Sethos - Bass
Azerate - Guitars
Nefarious - Drums
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