13 Fullmoon Night of Loneliness


From France, comes MOONWORSHIPPER, an "ultraviolent suicidal Doom Metal band, with their debut EP, titled […]
August 5, 2020
Moonworshipper - 13 Fullmoon Night of Loneliness album cover

From France, comes MOONWORSHIPPER, an "ultraviolent suicidal Doom Metal band, with their debut EP, titled "13 Fullmoon Nights of Loneliness." The EP contains one, self-titled track, that is 24 minutes long. Let's get down to it. It opens with heavy guitar strikes, low and cold, along with some light drumming. The tones are very dark, but it begins to gather steam. Then, the vocals come in...low and guttural at first, then higher screams. The music is very much in the realm of Doom Metal I would say...sad and depressing. It takes a pause around the five- minute mark, with just some light piano and bass guitar notes.

The angry vocals return and then come some clean female vocals. It's an agonizing experience to listen to as the song moves forward. The male harsh and female cleans mix in together, as the music just drops heavy bombs onto the earth. The sound changes yet again, with clean guitars and a dreamy atmosphere that brings hope back to the table. Those dreamy female vocals come back and then so do the harsh vocals. Spoken word also comes into play, along with piano notes. The song begins to build again, with guitar, drums and bass joining the fray.

Around the 17-minute mark, the song loses steam again and reverts to just some light, clean guitar, with heavy, distorted guitar strikes in the background, just lurking back there. The clean female vocals return again, very melancholy in nature. Approaching the 21-minute mark, the screams return, along with heavy instrumentation. Tortured, anguished screams in response to short, female words that seem to echo his sentiment. And just like that, the song ends. I'm really not sure who this might appeal to. The Black/Doom Metal mash-up here is definitely agonizing and beyond depressing, and I suppose there are people who are into that stuff. But, it didn't really make a mark on me. Nor should I fail to mention that the production was pretty bad.

3 / 10









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"13 Fullmoon Night of Loneliness" Track-listing:

1. 13 Fullmoon Nights of Loneliness

Moonworshipper Lineup:


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