Ascent Into Draconian Abyss

Mons Veneris

This album shows what classic Black Metal means in the deeper sense of the words.
August 1, 2024

The rebirth of Black Metal in the 90s wasn’t a Northern Europe isolated event, but it was something that happened throughout the world at the same time. Norway, Sweden. Finland, Austrian, Germany, Spain, Greece, USA, Japan, Brazil and many other countries had their own bands on the genre. And there were many movements as the Inner Circle on Norway, LLN on France, Black Circle on Portugal (and with the same name, there was a Brazilian one) who helped to brought a personal set of musical features. And as heir of Portuguese Black Circle, here is MONS VENERIS with its new album, “Ascent into Draconian Abyss”. After such words, the idea about the production of “Ascent into Draconian Abyss” is something with references of the past, and it’s the truth: the band uses an old fashioned lo-fi sonority, following the tradition of the old days (remembering: the band is active for 20 years).

But one must understand that this release has a good level of sound definition, what means that all the songs can be understood without problems. The music of the band is what is expected: a form of Black Metal of the early 90s, simple and aggressive, sinister and funereal. It’s clear that names as MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE, MÜTIILATION, VLAD TEPES, BURZUM, TORGEIST and others are references for their music, but these Lusitanian Black Metal worshippers show energy and personality. To be honest, even the way things are presented on are old-fashioned, from the days when playing Black Metal was something handmade, and out of models and conceptions.

“Ascent into Draconian Abyss” lasts more that 20 minutes, full of variations, with screams and gothic-lite chants being heard on the massive morbid musical mass that is unleashed (pay attention to the atmospheric keyboards parts). On a more classic form into Black Metal comes “Whisperers of the Plague”, with nasty and ferocious guitar riffs (but again it’s filled with many shifts on the rhythms). “...of Perversion and Evil” is a brutal song (some double bass parts on the drums can be heard), and very good ambiences are heard, along with very good bass guitar and drums playing. And “Chant to the Unknown” has a horror-like appeal improved by keyboards’ parts entangled by abrasive guitars.

For those that miss the old days of Black Metal, “Ascent into Draconian Abyss” is a fine release. And after 20 years, the work of MONS VENERIS is still relevant and needed.

8 / 10









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"Ascent Into Draconian Abyss" Track-listing:
  1. Ascent into Draconian Abyss
  2. Whisperers of the Plague
  3. ...of Perversion and Evil
  4. Chant to the Unknown
Mons Veneris Lineup:

No info.

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