Ripping Terror


 Vic records re-released the 1991 demo "Ripping Terror"  in September of 2015, the demo was […]
By Calen Nesten
February 19, 2016
Monastery - Ripping Terror album cover

 Vic records re-released the 1991 demo "Ripping Terror"  in September of 2015, the demo was recorded as a one-shot by the band MONASTERY. MONASTARY may not be the best Grindcore/Death band by today's standards. It's hard to give them a fair comparison when we have PIG DESTROYER, THE LOCUST and FUCK THE FACTS. But MONASTARY is one of a kind, the band was formed by members of SINISTER members Aad Kloosterwaard and Ron van de Polder and ENTOUMBED bassist Lars Rosenberg during a tour in '91. The tracks they wrote during that tour became the demo "Ripping Terror". They released the same tracks on an EP and a split 1992 but "Ripping Terror" remains the main beast in MONASTERY'S catalog.

 The album is one of those forgotten gems that really captures the vicious sounds of early Death/Grind. They didn't spend a lot of time calculating every technical aspect of the album, they simply wanted to write some fast, destructive, Metal. The first track on the album, "Mutilating", sounds like it was done in one take (mostly because someone yells "record it" into the mic). It's a wave of unrelenting bass riffs, fast guitar work. It's very much a classic Grind song, simple and fast, this is the motif for most of the tracks except for the second, titled "Monastery". This track is the most unique on the album. It has a very jarring but beautiful and blatant time-change, it's my pic for best track on "Ripping Terror".

"Suspicion of Destiny" has more of a Thrash sound to it, one simple riff that gets exponentially faster until it falls into a grinding frenzy. The fourth track, "False Prediction" is very much like the first, it's a standard Death Metal track but it lacks the chaotic cacophony of the previous three songs. The fifth and titular track on the album is what comes to mind when I think of "classic" Grindcore. It's not very complicated lyrically, it's just fast and something to smash into people to. The final track is "Monastery II", a minute long instrumental with only a few chords getting progressively faster, like MONTASERY were just challenging themselves to see how long it would take their fingers fall off. "Ripping Terror" is a tape that should be listened to by die hard fans of Death Metal and Grind, it reflects a young time in Metal of rawness and energy, give it a listen, it's only 12 minutes long, you could have been halfway done by now.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Ripping Terror" Track-listing:

1. Mutilating
2. Monastery
3. Suspicion of Destiny
4. False Prediction
5. Ripping Terror
6. Monastery II

Monastery Lineup:

Ron van de Polder - Guitar/Vocals
Lars Rosenberg - Bass/Vocals
Aad Kloosterwaard - Drums/Vocals

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