January 7, 2015

So 2014 saw Doom Metal becoming one of my favourite sub-genres; I think 2015 could see Progressive Metal becoming another desired category and it's because of two albums I have been assigned with the first week of the year. The one I am going to share with you today is "Descent" by Polish Progressive outfit MOANAA.
MOANAA formed in the year 2008 and released their self-titled EP in 2010. This is their first full length album that I personally found extremely enticing and complex. This was my first experience listening to their music and feel free to disagree but I thought their sound was familiar to FALKENBACH. The sweeping melodies, a perfect harmony between
The acoustic opening provided by "Sunset Growing Old" captured my attention so I wasn't actually expecting aggressiveness at all; it hits you like a ton of bricks when you are caught off guard, this technique personally worked for me. I like how each track cleverly merged to the next one as if it were all one big number and like the last Progressive album I reviewed I like how each track is made up of different, contrasting elements that keep the listeners attention throughout. For example the melody can be sweeping and soft one moment and aggressively fast the next.
I even found when sat listening to the album I was performing windmills along to tracks such as "Repulsive" and "Zero"; in my books, an album that can make you want to dance like no one else is watching is a great album.
The concluding track "Away" gave one last dose of what this interesting Metal band are made of, leaving the listener wanting more. So overall this was an astonishing album; there was a track title "Lost In The Noise" that pretty much sums up how this album made me feel. I only hope to see and hear more from them in the years to come.
10 / 10

"Descent" Track-listing:
1. Sunset Growing Old
2. Repulsive
3. Lit
4. Zero
5. Lost In The Noise
6. Ion...
7. ...Mills
8. Away
Moanaa Lineup:
Marcel Łękawa - Drums
Maciej Proficz - Vocals
Rafal Kwaśny - Vocals
Damian Olearczyk - Bass
Łukasz Kursa - Guitars
Michał Pilik - Guitars
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