Beast Of Nations


Metal maniacs, rejoice! The Thrasher returns to present to you, MINOTAUR, hailing from the glory […]
By Craig "Thrashing" Rider
September 12, 2016
Minotaur - Beast Of Nations album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! The Thrasher returns to present to you, MINOTAUR, hailing from the glory of Germany...signed via "High Roller Records" and on their 2nd EP entitled: "Beast of Nations".

With 2 albums behind them since formation in 1983, the first being "Power of Darkness" (released in 1988), and the second being "God May Show You Mercy...We Will Not" (released in 2009) ...the quintet in question, distributes their 8 year comeback EP with "Beast Of Nations". I'll be the first to tell one that what we have here is an old-school Thrash Metal band that have been on and off with their presence; yet I am compelled to say that with this new venture on the Thrash Metal perspective, MINOTAUR Thrash like a maniac...unveiling 4 new songs that prestige the quintet's discography further and rightfully so; whoever says Thrash, Metal or Rock is dead... needs to rethink their negative opinion as I believe they are all stronger than ever. Thrash Metal professions have been releasing new material that's simply mind-blowing; this here quartet is no exception, and with that...I get to intrigue myself with yet another exhilarating release.

3 members comprise of Andi on guitar and vocals that almost sound like Miland "Millie" Petrozza from the almighty KREATOR, which is astonishingly pleasant to be divulged with. Dave on bass and Joerg on drums pummel this release with consistency, dexterity and efficiency. Each member unleashes a sound production of great excellence that makes this Thrasher want to merit MINOTAUR for their contributions to the Thrash genre.

And so we have only 4 tracks of lyrical darkness and a minutiae distinction of death and with primitive fashion; MINOTAUR give us "Beast Of Nations" ..."27 Dead" begins the EP with a transfix of pummeling expertise that inspires the thrasher to air-guitar and fist the air with vulgar intentions. Similarly found with the titular track: "Beast of Nations" we continue to destructively thrash with atmospheric power; however, with this short but sweet EP - this is but a taste of the rectitude of things to come in the near future...

"we are rebels until the end of eternity." - "Ignite Me"

The above quote is the most exquisite in the next song...and just excites me for more upbeat thrashing. Blast beats are notable and songwriting makes things delectable; I personally enjoyed this perspective of thrash, and so the EP ends with "Skipping The Sin", which finalizes itself on a catastrophic note – showcasing hard-hitting Thrash Metal with a punk-ish initiative. If you like your Thrash Metal in the form of TOXIC HOLOCAUST united a bit with KREATOR; I think you'll be pleasantly thrashing with this one, some may prefer to go back to those bands though but I can assure you that opening your mind to new discoveries is a damn good thing – you're not only helping the industry, you're expanding those horizons of musical mayhem. MINOTAUR certainly guarantees to explode those eardrums with hard-hitting coherence; so take the plunge, and take the leap for some unprecedented Thrash!

8 / 10









"Beast Of Nations" Track-listing:

1. 27 Dead
2. Beast Of Nations
3. Ignite Me
4. Skipping The Sin

Minotaur Lineup:

Andi - Guitar, Vocal
Dave - Bass
Joerg - Drums

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