

Hungary seems to be a closed market. Though many great bands exist in the country […]
By Michael Dalakos
March 17, 2007
Mindfields - Mindfields album cover

Hungary seems to be a closed market. Though many great bands exist in the country most of them never manage to expand their publicity outside their country, as always there are exceptions to the aforementioned situation (EVERWOOD is one of them). Truth is that I have heard some really cool bands coming from this country. All of them have two distinct features: excellent productions & fantastic vocalists! MINDFIELDS are not falling out of this loop...
Though young as a band and with only this demo / EP as proof of existence (and some occasional live appearances) they really seem to know what they are doing. Their power / prog style is quite balanced between melody and heaviness while the song structures are technical yet not overblown with the usual progressive babbling. There's an extensive use of keyboards but most of they time they sound really discreet not causing any obstacles for the heavier alter ego of the band.
Vocalist Attila Toth has one heck of a throat. We are talking about a high pitcher vocalist with a really smooth tone, definitely one of the nicest voices I have heard a long time now. This EP comes with a multimedia section featuring lyrics, photos and a video from the recordings of the album. All these are packed with a really nice front cover.
In conclusion MINDFIELDS managed to impress me with their professionalism in their debut recording attempt. I expect to hear more from them really soon!

"Mindfields" Track-listing:

The Prophecy
Lake Of Roses
The Cyborg

Mindfields Lineup:

Attila Toth - Vocals
Tamas Lippai - Guitars
Gabor Pivarcsi - Keyboards
Mate Hekker - Drums & Percussion
Balazs Borbely - Bass

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