Controlling the Tides
June 1, 2015

The phenomenon of rise and fall can be observed just about anywhere. We are surrounded by currents that increase and decrease repeatedly. The oceans tide, for instance, is produced by the attraction between moon and sun. Say MINDEAD, the underground quartet from Stuttgart in Germany played with the concept and idea of controlling these tides. With their recent release from late February, ''Controlling the Tides'' introduces modern metal with delicate clean vocals, raw-throated growls, brash drums, punched rhythms and breakdowns opposing to the slow paced melodies.
Strongly influenced by the core genre, MINDEAD however, fall out of these labels for their large blend of personal touches. With the help of the stomping riffs, syncopated drums and many changes in the rhythm, sound or volume as contrast, the record becomes full in sections and ideas. Thanks to the drum rolled connecters between every transition or the bloated slide effects, ''Controlling the Tides'' serves a hitting result; like if whipped by the punched-out guitars or the unexpected breakdowns. The German formation flirts with the high-low divergence often heard in the core growls. For greater impact, Timo switches from deep ranges to tenor pitched screams and disparity is also expressed in the back and forth flayed growls to borderline unmanly clean vocals. Now don't get me wrong, as cores first goal doesn't aim to be virile (in comparison to thrash, death or even sludge...), this particular trait in the voice or the softened melodies shouldn't bother any fan on the genre. Pieces like ''Orbital'' or ''Sore'' use electronic effects and scratching to enhance the modernity the band wishes to promote, as the echoed leads create silky melodies. In the mean time, the accentuated drums and sharp toned string instruments are able to temporarily bring us back to the roots of metal. Tracks like ''Indifferent'' will please fans in search of a heavier yet melodic feel, as pieces like ''Sleeping in Carbonite'' represent literal and huge contrasts between ballade and rough. While it always tends to come back to smooth, these songs help label the band a particular way: with recurrent themes of sadness, emptiness, never ending sickness and pursuit of freedom within the grand majority of the songs, MINDEAD break all the way through metal to emotional but in a prepubescent way. Like if the general themes jumbled to the cleans and the pastel melodies lacked maturity (and originality). Still, the musicians demonstrate much talent through the brutal sections of the album and creativity with the multitude of tempos and riffs.
With a concept of contrast, like risen and fallen, ''Controlling the Tides'' exudes feeling through soft and harsh. There's a constant vibe based on the power of men and their weakness along the dominant pain life puts us through. Using accentuated effects to put in light some aspects of the record, MINDEAD too badly lean on the fine line between sensibility and immaturity. This said, with relentless work, the quartet could achieve to a much more interesting record, for their talent is still very present in their music.<
6 / 10
Had Potential

"Controlling the Tides" Track-listing:
1. Orbital
2. Controlling the Tides
3. Sentiment
4. Sore
5. Sleeping In Carbonite
6. The Letting Go
7. Universe
8. Unearthed
9. Trains and Losses
10. Indifferent
11. Standing in Line
Mindead Lineup:
Timo - Vocals
Pablo - Guitar
Bene - Bass
Ben Hell - Drums
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