

MINDCAGE comes out in full force with their newest release of “Chrononaught”. This is filled […]
October 6, 2024

MINDCAGE comes out in full force with their newest release of “Chrononaught”. This is filled with great complicated hooks and riffs, and driving bass lines. At times “Chrononaught” gets progressive. While I am most familiar with Rush, and I don’t listen to a lot of other prog rock or prog metal, this feels like a metal version of Rush. At times the vocals are even a lot like Geddy Lee’s. The songs themselves don’t get over lengthy. With the exception of “The Betrayal”, which comes in around seven minutes, the songs average four to five minutes. The songs never seem long or forced, and take you on a musical journey.

The first song, “Back Against the Wall”, is a sonic explosion. A quick drum roll and fast guitar riff leads off this song, before settling into a good groove, to carry the rest of the song. “Living to Die”, starts with a slow, clean, melodic, acoustic guitar and a short electric lead. With the vocal melody, it creates a slow haunting vibe before building to a heavier riff for the chorus. The guitars have this great acoustic bridge riff, that is different from any other part of the song, but works well and adds new flavor to the song. “Living to Die” transitions back and forth from slow and soft to electric and heavy. It feels like numerous parts thrown together, but the pieces all fit and the transitions work well together.

“The Seventh Dawning” and “The Betrayal”  begin with a quick acoustic intro, before kicking into full force. The intro for “The Seventh Dawning” only lasts for ten seconds. Lyrically, there are biblical references and some lines are taken from the book of Revelation. The biblical references are there as well in “The Betrayal”, with lines about needing to repent. Musically, this is the most ambitious song coming in at just over the seven minute mark, but is a good song and doesn’t feel over long. The soft intro lasts for a minute and half, and then the band is back in full force. With sections of harmonized lead guitars and double kick galloping rhythms, parts of this feel very Iron Maiden like. “The Seventh Dawning” contains elements of many influences and the various sections come together nicely. The only exception is the very end, where there is an added rhythm riff that is just there with no real purpose and ends abruptly, without letting the final note to fade out. While this little ending sounds good on its own, it does nothing for the song, nor is it needed. Overall, “Chrononaught” is a solid metal album. It is  filled with great guitars on rhythm and lead, and a great rhythm section on bass and drums. The vocals are amazing and the songs range from straight out rock or metal to complex rhythms. 


9 / 10

Almost Perfect








"Chrononaught" Track-listing:
  1. Back Against the Wall

  2. Point of Impact

  3. Living to Die

  4. The Seventh Dawning

  5. The Betrayal

  6. Labyrinth

Mindcage Lineup:

Jeff Hignite - Vocals

Dietrick Hardwick - Guitars

Brian Howell - Bass

Craig Nudo - Drums


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