Ancient Cults Supremacy

Mind Snare

MIND SNARE, a black metal band, was born in Italy in 1989, around the same […]
By Jessica Pearman
January 15, 2015
Mind Snare - Ancient Cults Supremacy album cover

MIND SNARE, a black metal band, was born in Italy in 1989, around the same time that the heavier metal scene was taking off globally, by guitarist Chris. Who at the time was only 15 years old. Through the years the band has had a total of 15 releases; four of them being full length. The first full length wasn't released until 2000, over a decade later, but fans had plenty of demo releases and an EP release to keep them supplied with new music every couple of years. MIND SNARE is back with their fourth full-length release "Ancient Cults Supremacy".

"Ancient Cults Supremacy" comes in at eight tracks with a listening of a little less than 30 minutes. It's a rather short for a full-length album, but overall the album has substance enough that makes the lack of listening time a double edge sword. On one edge it leaves you wanting more and unfilled. On the other end you know the music is good, so you still have the want to listen to it regardless of the urge at the end of wanting more.

The album starts hard and fast and ends the same way. In fact, track one "Draining Faith" sounds incredibly similar to the final track "Unleashed Hate Spreading". In death metal fashion, the vocals are growled. However, these growls are some of the lowest I have ever heard. They are so low that they are virtually unheard lyrically. They are more of an instrumental portion of the music instead of a lyrically based vocal. But you can also hear the value of the lyrical vocal as well, except sometimes the vocals sound like they are just an overlay, rather than part of the musical experience.

Track two, "Entrenched in Agony" has some pretty insane guitar work throughout. The vocals are a bit more prominent, which is nice and the production didn't sound so off. The drums were the typical blast beat display. The drums are really fast too, which helps keep the pace quick and bass helps keep the tone low.

I'm not sure what was lower within the album, the bass or the vocals. Both are so low they almost drown each other out. I thought the album sounded too similar throughout its entirety. That's not always a bad thing, but with such a short album, it sounds like one long song. "Shatter of Morality" gives the album a break from the monotony that hearing the almost same music throughout, a break. I really enjoyed this track as whole. The musicianship here shows that these guys are great musicians.

"Ancient Cults Supremacy" is a decent album. It is short and there are areas that sound under produced along with areas that get monotonous because the sound is too similar, but the musicianship here is highly noticeable and each artist is really good at what they do. Having a more creative aspect to the album would have proved to make this an excellent album.<

7 / 10


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"Ancient Cults Supremacy" Track-listing:

1. Draining Faith
2. Entrenched in Agony
3. Decadent Bearer of all Diseases
4. Smuggled in the Underworld
5. Shatter of Morality
6. Deceived Humanity
7. Mutilated Meaning of Life
8. Unleashed Hate Spreading

Mind Snare Lineup:

Chris - Guitars
Sergio - Drums
Fabio - Bass
Derek - Vocals

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