Mountain Devil

Midryasi's Kult

The music is fairly well put together, and who doesn’t like a throwback to yesteryear? I can hear many of their influences that they list in the music above, but it’s hard to evaluate an album that only has three songs. Suffice it to say, I wasn’t overly impressed, and it was a mediocre effort for me.
February 11, 2025

From Bandcamp, “MIDRYASI’s KULT is an artistic project dedicated to underground fanatics, with a special focus on doom, black metal, heavy psych and punk community.” The album has three songs, and the title track is first. I definitely get some Punk vibes from the opening riff and the vocals, and it is also tinged with the darkness of Doom. There are also some subtler psychedelic elements within the music, but it does come close to bordering on “cheesy” for me. “M.I.M.” has some spacey elements in the beginning that sound like lasers in 1960’s show Star Trek.” In this regard, the sound bounces backwards in time to when you might encounter more songs and bands like this.

“Hypnopriest” closes the three-track album, and it has a fuzzy sound that resonates like music being played inside of a drum or another enclosed object. The music isn’t overly exciting however, and the three song album (or EP?) leaves me with more questions than answers. The music is fairly well put together, and who doesn’t like a throwback to yesteryear? I can hear many of their influences that they list in the music above, but it’s hard to evaluate an album that only has three songs. Suffice it to say, I wasn’t overly impressed, and it was a mediocre effort for me.


5 / 10









"Mountain Devil" Track-listing:

1. Mountain Devil

2. M.I.M.

3. Hypnopriest


Midryasi's Kult Lineup:

Avenir – Drums, Guitars

The Kult – Bass, Vocals

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