Silhouettes of Stars
Midnight Odyssey
August 30, 2017
Some People fear fictional horror characters, failure, other people like their parents, their spouse, death (not the one founded by Chuck Schuldiner) and even insects and bacteria themselves; but to me there is nothing more terrifying than outer space, and a Black Metal band from Brisbane seem to have acquired a master degree in this terror infused by loneliness and the lack of oxygen and gravity where after a dead by asphyxiation, hypothermia or implosion in the most natural of cases, floating on an eternal grave of nothingness is all that awaits you, this record is in some way the soundtrack of that happening.
MIDNIGHT ODYSSEY is a Black Metal band from Brisbane Australia, celebrating their career with Silhouettes of Stars, a complete journey through some of the most desolate and chaotic scenarios that outer space and the constant movement and evolution the desolation of the universe must offer. This album by MIDNIGHT ODYSSEY as it has been made clear in the band's official website is not a new full-length album, but a compilation of the best work achieved by the Brisbane native over the last ten years across the stars and the infinite bleak space that surrounds us all beyond the fragile balance of the atmosphere and gravitational field of the planet we call home. A true experience beyond the realm of what we simple mortals refer to as reality and time.
The interludes and melodic passages created by MIDNIGHT ODYSSEY have no precedents in Metal music today, and I am sure all the production and the audio design to produce such an effect on the listener is the product extraordinary amounts of talent but also extraordinary amounts of work, behind the instruments, in front of an audience, and behind the mixing board; a conscientious peek into the darkest passages of infinity with fifteen tracks to accompany you along the way, Songs that border the genius of THE ALAN PARSON's PROJECT, BAUHAUS and even PINK FLOYD and even JEAN-MICHEL JARRE with less psychedelia and more realism regarding the finite nature of our existence and the constant changes of life and death in a balance oriented Chaos. A Vault of the Metal Temple were all those that venture may not always return, a journey for the more advanced and the less conventional of Metal Lovers, but a must in every Metal connoisseur for the years to come.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Silhouettes of Stars" Track-listing:
1. The Night Has Come for Me
2. Magica
3. Cosmic Keys to my Creation and Times
4. Sorrow of Daedalus
5. What was in no More
6. Fighting the Seraphim
7. Descent
8. The World Tree Burns to Vapour
9. Lost and Forgotten
10. Nocturnal
11. Your Death is Chosen
12. The Tempest Entranced
13. Dis Pater
14. A Whisper's Emptiness
15. Themes of Forest and Firmament
Midnight Odyssey Lineup:
Dis Pater - Everything
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