

From Bandcamp, "the six tracks are tied together by allegorical imagery and raw, visceral lyrics, […]
Metide - Erebos album cover

From Bandcamp, "the six tracks are tied together by allegorical imagery and raw, visceral lyrics, while the sonic research of the band opens to a variety of explorations in the Post-Metal genre and beyond; from raging, distorted assaults, through atmospheric, cinematic passages, to electronic yet gut-wrenching pieces, "Erebos" aims to deliver a vibrant emotional palette. The artwork, conceived as an integral part of the experience, offers a twisted dynamism of shapes and colors, which intends to be a visual augmentation to a soundscape for personal atonement." The album has six songs.

"Acheron" is the first. The tension in some background ambiance is quite thick. Drums roll in slowly, along with some eerie leads. The main riff plods in thicker than concrete, and the harsh vocals paint a depressive canvas. It rolls forward, crushing everything in its path, and the ending is a chaotic smattering of broken pieces of your life. "Lethe" has clean opening guitars and a very somber feeling, like waking up to another succession of rainy days and grey clouds. The harsh vocals are so emotive and despondent that they burn a hole in your insides. The feeling increases as the song continues, to the point where you can't take it anymore.

"Styx" is another lengthy affair marred with more feelings of self-doubt and self-loathing. The raging vocals and slow, plodding pace of the music is more like a systematic takeover of our planet from aliens from parts unknown. "Cocytus" is a shorter offering but with no less agony and despair. It features some electronic elements which hit a little differently than guitar, and the static fuzz in the background crinkles in your ear. "Phlegethon" is the Greek mythological river in Hades. Like the title, the song is black to the core, but the music has a bit of a groove to it, albeit a groove of the dead.

The title track closes the album. Piano notes lead this song, but in the background are agonizing screams. Bass guitar hits like a meteor, shaking the ground for hundreds of miles. Atonement is the reparation of a wrong. But I don't hear much of that in the album. Instead, I hear all of the darker sides of life, like bitterness, hatred, confusion and frustration. Many of the songs are so gut-wrenching that only a listener with a strong psyche could bear the weight of them. Still, that is good music by its least the listener feels something. But don't go into their world lightly, for it could swallow you.

8 / 10









"Erebos" Track-listing:

1. Acheron
2. Lethe
3. Styx
4. Cocytus
5. Phlegethon
6. Erebos

Metide Lineup:

Omar Carissimi - Vocals, Guitar, Synthesizers, Samples
Riccardo Vaccaro - Guitar
Federico Benaglia - Bass
Antonio Cassella - Drums

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