Demons Of Insanity - Chapter Five


KABOOM!!! A bomb just dropped on my head and smashed my brains out!!! Metalium need […]
By Makis Kirkos
March 15, 2005
Metalium - Demons Of Insanity - Chapter Five album cover

KABOOM!!! A bomb just dropped on my head and smashed my brains out!!! Metalium need no introduction, or do they? I am sure every Power Metal fan that respects himself and this music genre is already familiar with this highly successful German band. If you think their debut album Millennium Metal - Chapter One (1999) had a major impact on the international scene, wait until you hear their brand new album, entitled Demons Of Insanity - Chapter Five due for release on April, 25th 2005 through Armageddon Music.
I wish I knew how to start this review but I don't, I am just so fuckin' overwhelmed. I must have listened to the new album up to 20 times by now and I still can't believe my ears. One word: AMAZING!! Metalium really did it this time. They achieved the maximum and that's no lie... Metalium is on the top of the German Power Metal scene (along with Edguy) and they can enjoy their success.
Just to give you an idea... rapid drums, screaming guitars, heady keyboards, a cutting bass-created storm and hymnical vocals. This is their dynamic new album and these guys are ready to set the Heavy Metal world on fire. The fifth studio album, Demons Of Insanity - Chapter Five, will undoubtedly hit the spot and leave no questions unanswered - as tight and strong as never heard before. I do not mean only technically bust also compositionally Metalium are at the best of their six year career.
Henning's choral vocals will drive you insane with his octave scale and power (just listen to his cry shouts on Mother Earth). Everything is just over the top: guitars, bass, drums, orchestration, the production and all the compositions. Melodies nail straight into your mind and you keep on singing along with the band, without even reading the lyrics as Henning sounds crystal clear. Speaking about the lyrics, the theme of this release concentrates for the first time on critical social issues such as the cloning of human beings or the destruction of natural resources for pure profit and the fatal ignorance shown by these people towards the power of mother Earth.
Demons Of Insanity - Chapter Five was recorded at Jumpower Studios in Mallorca and Tornado Studios in Hamburg. Japanese versions of the album added a cover version of the Loudness classic Rock n' Roll Crazy Night re-billed as Heavy Metal Crazy Night. Metalium have again been able to recruit Deep Purple keyboardist Don Airey who is best known for his keyboard work with Whitesnake, Rainbow, or Ozzy Osbourne and has played on cult Metal productions such as Judas Priest's Painkiller (1990) or Black Sabbath's Never Say Die (1978). Need I say more? How about this for credits, huh?
I think there is no reason to review the songs one by one; you just have to put this CD into your CD player, sit tight, fasten your seat-belt and prepare to take off. Henning, Matthias, Lars and Michael will be your guides to a magic trip at your music delight. Ride On has a killer guitar riff. The ballad Silence Of The Night is placed exactly where it should be, just to give you the opportunity to have a little rest and then prepare to have your head ripped off from banging!
Don't ask for highlights... Demons Of Insanity - Chapter Five IS a highlight!!! For sure a MUST have album for every Power Metal fan. The narrator correctly warns: Don't you dare to rewrite genesis... or you will become a DEMON OF INSANITY. Amazing job guys, well done!!!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"Demons Of Insanity - Chapter Five" Track-listing:

Earth In Pain (Intro)
Power Of Time
Demons Of Insanity
Cyber Horizon
Ride On
Endless Believer
Sky Is Falling
Mother Earth
Out Of The Silence
Silence Of The Night
Visions Of Paradise
One By One

Metalium Lineup:

Henning Basse - Vocals
Matthias Lange - Guitar
Lars Ratz - Bass
Michael Ehre - Drums

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