

MESLAMTAEA is a Black Metal band from the Netherlands. "Weemoedsklanken" is the group's fourth full-length […]
By Alex Barnard
April 14, 2022
Meslamtaea - Weemoedsklanken album cover

MESLAMTAEA is a Black Metal band from the Netherlands. "Weemoedsklanken" is the group's fourth full-length album, released by Babylon Doom Cult Records on February 25, 2022.

If I had to categorize this album, I would say it is mostly Traditional Black Metal but with certain twists. For example, at about the 1:30 mark in "Schone lei," Floris Velthuis utilizes some chords that are decidedly reminiscent of VOIVOD - chromatic, jazzy and colorful chords that often don't belong in Black Metal but fit well within the context of this album. Another obvious example lies in the band's use of flugelhorn, which is most noticeable in the introduction to "Moegestreden." It was a sound that I was not really expecting to fit so well into the atmospheric and evil sounds of Black Metal, but then again, Jazz instrumentation will work anywhere.

Of course, as a composer and multi-instrumentalist, Floris Velthuis deserves high praise for his incredibly unique approach to Traditional Black Metal; giving the genre a Jazzy spin is truly inspired. Kaos' vocals are unhinged to say the least, drawing on inspiration from such Black Metal legends as Attila Csihar and Nocturno Culto. And, last but not least, Izzy makes a fine addition to the lineup of this band. He is clearly well-studied in Jazz music, as his improvisations and brilliant use of chromaticism show an appreciation for such Jazz greats as Miles Davis, Charlie Parker and John Coltrane.

Other highlights from this album include "Rad des tijds," which felt the most straightforward of any of the songs, but that is not necessarily a bad thing; "Nevelsluiers," another track with a distinctly VOIVOD feel to it, especially through its use of bizarre chord choices; and "Uiteengevallen," which features a brilliant and emotional solo from Izzy that could've easily fit into a PINK FLOYD album.

Overall, I believe the PINK FLOYD comparison is apt for MESLAMTAEA. Is this album necessarily progressive? Not entirely, but it features flashes of brilliance and just enough uniqueness to it that it sets this group apart from the pack. If you're looking for something that isn't too out of the ordinary for Black Metal but is different enough to highlight all the places the genre can truly go, I highly suggest listening to this record.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








"Weemoedsklanken" Track-listing:

1. Weemoed
2. Rad des tijds
3. Grauwe muren
4. Schone lei
5. Moegestreden
6. Nevelsluiers
7. Verstoten
8. Uiteengevallen

Meslamtaea Lineup:

Floris Velthuis - All instruments
Kaos - Vocals
Izzy - Flugelhorn

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