
Median Omega

From their EPK, "MEDIAN OMEGA is a Black Metal band from Greece formed i 2022. […]
Median Omega - Insolence album cover

From their EPK, "MEDIAN OMEGA is a Black Metal band from Greece formed i 2022. The members are Lorthar and Alpha." The new album here has five songs, and the title track is the first. The opening sequence is powerful and bossy, with some great guitar work. Layers are added with nasty, harsh vocals and some really harrowing effects. The song stays buried, wrapped in layers of the underworld, deep beneath the lowest plane of Hell. This is some dark and demonic music. "Nihil" has some eerie electronic elements in the beginning, followed by incredibly fast moving drums that rapid fire in a cadence much faster than the human ear can count. The furious pace retreats for just a few bars before returning.

"Let the Mortals Sing our Names" has a more calculated and slower song to really let the title come through. Imagine being so powerful that mortals sing your names. This is an ode to Satan most likely, and it goes with the general themes of the band. "Prime Meridian" is another brutal, and punishing song that has elements of Black Metal, but with more discernable riffs. That and the symphonic elements give the band an edge with their peers. "The Descendants" closes the five track album. Eerie symphonic elements lead the charging riff and drums forward, rolling like an army of impenetrable machines over everything in its path, and victory is foretold.

Take a look at the album cover to find what lies within. For me, it's a fallen angel commanding the troops of the dead, to march upon the living. He will bring the final war of mankind, and there will be no happy ending. At its basic definition, it means "rude and disrespectful behavior." It can further mean insubordination, which in this case, it indicative of the fallen angel rebelling against the armies of Heaven. The music here is so well put together, and every song matches the visual march against their enemies. Behold, there's a new leader in charge.

8 / 10









"Insolence" Track-listing:

1. Insolence
2. Nihil
3. Let the Mortals Sing our Names
4. Prime Meridian
5. The Descendants

Median Omega Lineup:

Lorthar - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Alpha - Drums, Keys

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