Rom 5:12


The ancient god of Babylon , creator of the earth and the sky has visited […]
By Yiannis Doukas
June 21, 2007
Marduk - Rom 5:12 album cover

The ancient god of Babylon , creator of the earth and the sky has visited Europe of Middle Ages. A perfect time and place for black metal. Well I'll speak straight. This is, if not the best MARDUK album, then one of the best for sure.
First track isn't something special but  Cold Mouth Prayer destroys everything in it's path. A killer typical fast MARDUK song with a very good beginning riff. Imago Mortis is a slow song, with epic and black feelings. Mortuus' vocals are the major highlight. As he screams he flows a dark veil around you. Same thing with Accuser/Opposer. Here we have some vocals from Alan Nemtheanga of PRIMORDIAL. These two tracks are some of the best in their career. 1651 will dive you into medieval darkness as it is constructed only by vocals and keys.
The other fast songs as Through The Belly Of Damnation, Limbs Of Worship and Vanity Of Vanities hold the banner of MARDUK high. Headbanging is guaranteed. In the end we have the Womb Of Perishableness in which (in a part of it) you'll hear something close to Doom. Don't get scared. It's MARDUK's vision of Doom Metal(!!!), with a very good solo. Voices From Avignon is my worst song and I  don't think it can be compared to the others . For other bands maybe it's good but here it is too 'poor'.
The production is very good, with a clear sound of bass which gives to music chances to breath.  I'll repeat, the vocals of  Mortuus have permitted the access to new levels. As for the mastermind Morgan's riffs: you know him, you trust him. The most interesting MARDUK album is out and I believe that if you give it a chance it will be your company for a long time.

8 / 10


"Rom 5:12" Track-listing:

The Levelling Dust
Cold Mouth Prayer
Imago Mortis
Through The Belly Of Damnation
Limbs Of Worship
Vanity Of Vanities
Womb Of Perishableness
Voices From Avignon

Marduk Lineup:

Morgan Steinmeyer Hakansson - Guitars
Magnus Devo Andersson - Bass
Mortuus - Vocals
Lars Broddesson - Drums

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