Hell (With) The King


If you miss some vintage and well-played stuff from the 70s or early 80s, but […]
By Maria Voutiriadou
June 1, 2010
Manstrand - Hell (With) The King album cover

If you miss some vintage and well-played stuff from the 70s or early 80s, but you're already bored of the same all-time classic songs from DEEP PURPLE and RAINBOW golden era, a brand new band called MANSTRAND (name taken from bandleader's last name) is the answer to your problem. Hailing from the glorious Stockholm of Sweden (again!), MANSTRAND seem to have discovered the music time machine, in a way. The only thing you have to do is visit band's MySpace page or get the debut "Hell (With) The King" and you'll immediately find out what I'm talking about. Carl Manstrand and his mates recorded 12 songs breathing a retro breeze, full of pure Rock and Metal attitude, risking the fact of the common over-played sound from many bands in the past; but, they seem to be in the right direction.

When I first placed the album on my cd player, I felt like I was listening to PURPLE's "Space Truckin" instead of the starting "Come On"; the catchy refrain has many similarities with the all time classic masterpiece but with a remarkable freshness that makes it so tempting for the listener's ears. Then, the pompous "Classica" comes in and Dio's magic figure pops up suddenly through the magnificent guitar solos and Carl's successful reading. The following "Death Incarnate" is another one 'made-of-classics' song, unpacking somehow a glow from SABBATH's "Heaven And Hell" epoch, while "Passing The Stars" carries some UFO melodic tunes that stick in your mind, unable to find the exit from there.

And the party goes on; during the one hour of the album, you can find some classic easy-listening stuff to keep you wonderful company during a long road trip. So, take a ride with this solid rock album that will blast out your speakers till MANSTRAND's next one (I hope to happen soon). And remember to ignore the album's mediocre production to bring the sonic oasis next to you, in every highway's pit, without caring about the weather, feed or even friends.

7 / 10


"Hell (With) The King" Track-listing:
  1. Come On
  2. Classica
  3. Death Incarnate
  4. Demon Fighters
  5. Passing The Stars
  6. She's Hot
  7. Take A Time
  8. Hell (With) The King
  9. Stars In The Sky
  10. She Was Only 17
  11. Surrendered
  12. She So Eazy
Manstrand Lineup:

Carl Manstrand - Lead Vocals, Guitar
Richard Hoerberg - Guitar
Fredrik Appelgren - Bass
Hakan Hansson - Drums

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