Fallen Kingdom

Malicious Damage

Thrash Metal music and Hardcore did always have a generic bond; be it in the […]
By Grigoris Chronis
March 25, 2007
Malicious Damage - Fallen Kingdom album cover

Thrash Metal music and Hardcore did always have a generic bond; be it in the form of on-the-edge- riffing, roaring vocals (the brutal side of Thrash, prior to its Death Metal reformation) or speedy addiction towards aggressive ailment, the 'crossover' term would - anyway - be given birth and name in a short matter of time. Malicious it was and the damage is done. The Florida way(?)...
(Florida's) MALICIOUS DAMAGE demonstrate their self-financed Fallen Kingdom full-length release and I confirm it's always healthy to keep a good eye on the underground/'private stuff' scene. Either way, the purity is revealed, and the good faith is exhibited; else some other lossless hobby each gang would obtain to waste time and money on.
Vocals: Hardcore-ish, aggressive, full of anger, non-stop, guttural (at times), vivid, sarcastic (at - other - times), allegoric, evil, Thrash-friendly.
Guitars: pounding, low-tuned, groovy, belligerent, 'stubborn', chemical, monotonous were needed, mosaic.
Bass/drums: double-layer, persistent, malevolent, mauling, rough, repetitive, chaotic (at times), psychedelic (in certain songs' parts).
The music lays in the middle of three paths: take a portion of pre-Death Metal (the Florida way, of course!) shit, add some Euro-meets-US Thrash Metal of the first (underground) era, stir it up and compile by prosperous 'strong' NYHC singing. The songwriting is less than exciting - to tell you the truth - but MALICIOUS DAMAGE present soooo much balls in their instrumentation that - even if you've heard all this stuff a million times again in the past/present/future - this quartet can persuade you 'bout their 'mean business' scope. Thus, try to collect your pieces from the wall; especially if you're fond of the post-80s 'extreme' Metal (yes, this time it is Metal!) sounds. Some too extreme moments added on are more of a hey, they can squeeze it up even more!' perception...
This album is not for NIGHTWISH fans. Not even for (strictly) MEGADETH fans. Fallen Kingdom will show Thrash/Death Metal maniacs how important Hardcore music was/is for their beloved genre's development. And vice versa...
If the tunes were more original, the grading would be a scale higher.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Fallen Kingdom" Track-listing:

World Of Lies
In The Shade Of Deaths Shadow
Eye Arrive
Reborn Shaman
Crystal Clear
Self Condemned
Where Hell Exists And Death Prays
Revelation Six
Blue Collar Outlaw

Malicious Damage Lineup:

Tony - Guitars
Josh - Vocals
Pat - Bass
Dave - Drums

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