

I have listened to bands from places like Faroe Islands, Peru, El Salvador and many […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
March 20, 2008
Mahatma - Perseverance album cover

I have listened to bands from places like Faroe Islands, Peru, El Salvador and many others that people wouldn't expect to find Metal. What can someone find when it comes to Korea? To tell you the truth I have never listened to Korean Metal (as far as I remember) and I was really curious to see what are MAHATMA made of. The only way to find that out is to listen to their latest album Perseverance

The fact that the bio note says that this is Korea's heaviest Heavy Metal band is definitely something I cannot know since as I said above I have no idea about the Korean Metal scene, but if this is the best band they've got, then I really don't wanna listen to any other stuff coming from there. Just for your info, this album was released by Dope Entertainment and it is just being distributed by Listenable.

So, Korean aggressive Thrash Metal. Definitely a Metal genre that I adore, but only when it is honest, passionate and unique. MAHATMA play really honest and passionate music, but what when it comes to originality and let's say... quality? Perseverance became a good friend with my CD player, but not for a long time. After some listening sessions, the album became kind of tiring and boring to my ears. These guys have some really nice ideas, but they are scattered here and there. The album as a whole is kind of mediocre, probably due to the not so good production and the singer's vocals that end up sounding a bit monotonous. Some variety regarding the vocals would make them a lot better.

This album is only for die hard Thrash Metal fans that are into bands like TESTAMENT, RITUAL CARNAGE and stuff like that. I believe that MAHATMA will offer some much better stuff in the future so I will be gladly waiting for their next release. Oh, and the JUDAS PRIEST cover is definitely not the best I have ever heard. I prefer the DEATH version.


5 / 10


"Perseverance" Track-listing:

There Is No Hope Without Suffering
Beginning Of The End
Unseen Enemy
Having Hope
Falling To Hell
The Road I Must Follow
Painkiller (JUDAS PRIEST Cover)
Despair Overcome

Mahatma Lineup:

J.K. - Vocals, Guitar
Jinho - Guitar
Kyunghun - Bass
Junesun - Drums

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