Pact With The Devil


It has only been a while since I had the chance to catch MAHAKALA playing […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
November 17, 2009
Mahakala - Pact With The Devil album cover

It has only been a while since I had the chance to catch MAHAKALA playing live along with legendary Greek Grind act HOMO IRATUS. The band distributed some promo CD's for free and since I got one why not also write a review? I guess there are a lot of people who are impatient to see how these guys sound like after they reunited.

Yes, you heard it right! MAHAKALA, the Greek filthy kings of Sludge reunited and seem to be stronger than before, or even just different. To show the people what the new MAHAKALA stand for, they release this 3-track promo CD and I am damn sure that you will love their new sound.

Just to make things clear, MAHAKALA used to be a classic Sludge band with pretty extreme vocals, slow rhythms and a filthy as fuck sound that could stone you itself! Two singers went by and the band ended up having its bassist JB handle the vocal duties and it seems he's not bad at all. His voice is cleaner than Smirnoff's and Alexkid's (the band's two ex singers), as well as more bluesy. The music is groovier and features more Stoner elements than before. The tempo frequently rises to create some totally Rock & Roll moments while also slows down to travel you through some Sabbathic landscapes. God how I need a joint right now...

Have I listened to the band's new sound? YES!
Do I like the band's new sound? YES!
Has this release made me impatient to listen to the band next full-length effort? HELL YEAH!
Then I guess this promo CD has managed to achieve its goal. Go now to their Myspace page and check them out!

"Pact With The Devil" Track-listing:

By My Hand
Pact With The Devil
Murder In Neverland

Mahakala Lineup:

JB - Vocals, Bass
Big Badda - Guitar
Panozk - Guitar
Aris_h - Drums

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