There Will Be No Peace In My Valley


The band is 100% right about one thing…people in power lose their shit at the prospect of losing said power. But us peasants suffer the consequences. I hear that fear reflected on the album very clearly. It’s aggressive when it needs to be, and solemn at other times.
October 17, 2024

From Bandcamp, “Born from the fury and decay of North-West England’s post-industrial landscape, MAGNETAR present their debut album, a unique amalgam of classic and raging extreme metal. Melody and brutality in equal measure. The album features an ode to the wave of sycophantic and spineless populism currently ruining our planet, and for nothing more than the fear of losing power. Their alternative-fact, double-think, conspiracy theorist acolytes now unwittingly ushering in a society reminiscent of Orwell's "1984". Elsewhere the adherence to religion is eviscerated; superstitious nonsense that unnecessarily pits man against man. There is companionship for the fractured mind in the title-track, a tale of bygone warriors returning home with an unknown horror in their midst.”

The album has seven songs, and “SCUM” is first. I get an Old School MOTORHEAD vibe here, although the singer has more gravel in his vocal chords. It’s sort of a cross between Punk and Metal with some Black elements thrown in for seasoning. The production is a bit muted as well. “The Shadow Mountains” has more of a classic Black Metal sound, but the band also brings some Thrash to the party. The steady buzz of the riffs and pounding drums remind you of what you are listening to, but the more ambient passage bring some somber melodies. “To Render the Soul” has some shadowy and evil qualities in both the riff and the vocals. It sounds like a beast lurks around the corner and you are unware until he has you in his grasp.

The title track is a slower ride over some melancholy in the music. The gentle sway of the sound pulls the listener into the ride and their world filled with grey skies as far as the eye can see, and the clean vocals also add to a feeling of despair. “A Deluge of Pious Primitives” has another somber sound at first, and then it’s off an running with aggression. From there, it’s a trade-off between the two styles. “Of Ulm” is another song that blends the sublime with contentiousness, and the band really showcases a few different styles on the album and does them well. It’s part Black, part Thrash and even part Death. The lengthy “Adorned in Flame” is the final song, and some of those early MOTORHEAD sounds return. This song is more of a closing tale that takes twists and turns into melody and then ducks back to aggressiveness.

The band is 100% right about one thing…people in power lose their shit at the prospect of losing said power. But us peasants suffer the consequences. I hear that fear reflected on the album very clearly. It’s aggressive when it needs to be, and solemn at other times.

7 / 10









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"There Will Be No Peace In My Valley" Track-listing:


2. The Shadow Mountains

3. To Render the Soul

4. There Will Be No Peace in My Valley

5. A Deluge of Pious Primitives

6. Of Ulm

7. Adorned in Flame


Magnetar Lineup:

Dan Walmsley – Guitars, Bass, Synth, Clean Vocals

Nick Wallwork – Vocals

Rob Harris – Drums


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