Fantoom van de Deemsterburcht
July 17, 2024

An atmosphere of bleakness, desolation, and dementedness permeates “Fantoom van de Deemsterburcht” (“Phantom of the Deemster Castle), the 2024 EP by Dutch black metal band MAGISTRAAL. I’ll admit that at first blush, it sounded to me like pretty standard black metal fare, with plenty of tremolo picking, fast drums, and high, harsh vocals, but beneath the typical lo-fi production are notes of mourning, sorrow, and even madness that pierce through with unmistakable clarity. The duo of Fëanor and Shelob have crafted three baleful and bitter masterpieces that will leave you hopeless and deranged.
“Waar Leed Zich Eeuvig Voedt” (“Where Suffering Feeds Eternally”) is beyond frantic and contains one of the most insane cackles I’ve ever heard, and the outro is as creepy and unsettling as it gets. It’s the most “classic”-sounding song on the album and would very much fit in with early 90’s Norwegian black metal. As an opener it could be considered a bit standard, but that’s not to say it isn’t solid or that it’s not worth another spin.
I am such a fan of the second track, “Mijn Brandend Licht”, or “My Burning Light.” It is truly the most haunted room in the castle, the true shining star (or spitting candle, as it were) of this EP. In its over-eleven-minute span, you will hear subtle synths and gorgeous, soaring, melancholic leads that would steal the show, were they not perfectly sharing the stage with the wailing voice of Shelob. The screams in this one are unearthly and heart-wrenching, yet powerful and wild. I can honestly say this is eleven minutes well-spent every time I listen to it.
This brings us to the title track, which is more gloomy and reflective than it is maddening, and surprisingly atmospheric, bringing to mind heavy rain pouring down a stained glass window. I really love the riffs on this one and it waxes melodic at times. At only four and a half minutes long, I definitely could have handled more of this one. I’ve finished this album a little more downcast and a little less sane, as MAGISTRAAL presumably intended. The wild drums, depraved vocals, and just the right use of melody make the experience raw and as haunted as it is haunting. It’s one of those black metal albums that has moments of surprising beauty even in utter darkness and I’m very excited to see where the band goes from here.
8 / 10

"Fantoom van de Deemsterburcht" Track-listing:
1. Waar leed zich eeuwig voedt
2. Mijn brandend licht
3. Fantoom van de Deemsterburcht
Magistraal Lineup:
Fëanor - all instruments
Shelob - Vocals
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