Lady Prowler

Machine Gun Kelly

Rock 'n' Roll is, to the untrained ear, a fairly bog standard type of music […]
By Danny Sanderson
January 24, 2015
Machine Gun Kelly - Lady Prowler album cover

Rock 'n' Roll is, to the untrained ear, a fairly bog standard type of music which sticks to a formula, both musically and lyrically, without deviating too far from it. However, this assessment is a bit harsh; when you consider that some of the original legends of the genre like STATUS QUO have very little in common with the roaring, Punk-tinged Rock of their contemporaries like MOTORHEAD, and that in turn has few similarities with the likes of GUNS N ROSES, it's quite plain to see that this genre of music is just as diverse and eclectic as any other within the Rock and Metal spectrum. MACHINE GUN KELLY is a band that manages to, in their own way, encapsulate as much of the genres sound as possible, putting their own sound on the genre. Their latest record, "Lady Prowler", is a fantastic display of their sound and its many aspects.

The opener, "Backstreet Queen", sounds like AC/DC with a Punk edge, and is a great way to kick this album off. The second track, "Need for Speed", is a very fast Rock track with soaring and powerful vocals floating above the hard edge of the music. This is very much a riding song, and just in case you didn't quite catch that, the revving of an engine can be heard towards the end of the track beneath the methodical pounding of the drums and the crunch of the guitars. "Bad Fun City" has a very Stadium Rock-like feel to it, especially with regards to the approach to the drumming and the guitar lines. I can see this song going down very well live. The album's titular track opens on a thick, bluesy riff, which gradually builds momentum and pace, as the track continues, becoming almost like a classic Thrash riff. The solo, whilst pretty good, is a fairly straightforward affair for a Hard Rock track. "The Hunter", although an incredibly good track, isn't really anything more than a straightforward, ballsy Rock song. "Broken Soul" acts as the obligatory "ballad" on this record, although it isn't exactly as conventional as others. Whereas most ballads start off soft and gradually get heavier, this song seems to wax and wane between the two several times throughout the song. Moreover, towards the end, the song takes on an almost IRON MAIDEN sound, which works really well. "Hell's Inn" and "Lost in the City" are both bog standard Rock song, and are easily the two weakest songs on the album, especially when compared to the two songs which follow; "Dog Days in Dog Places" is far and away the best track on here, and marches forward with a prominent Bass line and powerful drums like a bulldozer. The last song, "It's a Jungle", is another really good Rock song with some really great guitar work, which is perhaps the best song on which to close this album.

MACHINE GUN KELLY have a very good album in "Lady Prowler", one that could take the band to wider audiences and see them play with some of the bigger acts of the genre. If you love Rock music, there's a bit of everything on here for you.<

7 / 10


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"Lady Prowler" Track-listing:

1. Backstreet Queen
2. Need for Speed
3. Bad Fun City
4. Lady Prowler
5. The Hunter
6. Broken Soul
7. Hell's Inn
8. Lost In The City
9. Dogs Day In A Dog Place
10. It's a Jungle

Machine Gun Kelly Lineup:

Machine Gun Mikke - Vocals
Manfre - Guitars
Jan - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Jessi - Bass, Backing Vocals
Alabarda - Drums

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