

LYRIA is a female Symphonic Alternative Metal band from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Band […]
By Katarzyna Zakolska
December 18, 2014
Lyria - Catharsis album cover

LYRIA is a female Symphonic Alternative Metal band from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Band was formed in 2012 and on September 27th, 2014 they have released their full-length album called "Catharsis".

My favorite track is the single "Jester" with heavier riffs, keys and very catchy refrain! Total kick-ass track with wonderful singing, amazing keys and brilliant guitar solo! Opener album "The True War" has inside stronger riffs with Symphonic echoes, energetic drums, keys, deep vocal of singing and in the background male vocalist growling. Clear rhythmic section with melodic sounds and Symphonic choir in the track. "What Do You Want From Me?" is opening by perfect flute solo like in IMPERIA songs and then heavier guitars connecting with catchy singing - potential hit!

Stronger guitars and modern keys in AMARANTHE climate are in "Revenge" where singing has EVANESCENCE influences - so gentle and balsamic. Nice duo singing with male vocal, fine guitar solo and terrific keys gives very big plus to this song! Lower guitars and wonderful singing in style of EPICA in song "Light And Darkness "makes this one very melodic where heavier sounds mix gentle which I love! Another song, which I really love, is amazing ballad "Craven" with acoustic guitars and beautiful vocal of Aline. Pathetic style and heavier riffs with brilliant guitar solo are totally killer!

Worth to listen are also: gentle singing in wonderful "Reflection" with impressive guitar solo, "Insanity" with change rate, stronger guitars, battle drums, fine keys and opera singing, "The Phoenix Cry" with gentle riffs, perfect keys and ballad rockin climate inside this tack was perfectly done and climate is building in every sound and "The Phoenix Rebirth" with faster rate opening it, symphonic echoes, melodic singing and changing Progressive rate' amazing sound pulp of drums together with balsamic voice of vocalist.

LYRIA create wonderful music with melody. Symphonic Alternative Metal is amazing in their performance together with Modern echoes and Heavy Metal, Industrial style wiht mezzo soprano vocal of singing. Every song has other scheme and other idea. Surely every female frontend band Metal lover will be in seventh heaven listening this album. I recommend sincere this album especially for fans of EPICA, EVANESCENCE, NIGHTWISH or IMPERIA. During listening such beautiful music you can move into another world and relax. Perfectly production and fantastic compositions surely for long time dig in your mind!<

10 / 10


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"Catharsis" Track-listing:

1. The True War
2. Revenge
3. Jester
4. The Phoenix Cry
5. Reflection
6. Insanity
7. The Phoenix Rebirth
8. Light And Darkness
9. What Do You Want From Me?
10. Craven

Lyria Lineup:

Aline Happ - Mezzo Soprano
Eliezer Andre - Drums
Thiago Zig - Bass

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