The Curse of the Iron King

Lux Perpetua

Originally founded as SENTINEL, LUX PERPETUA is a Polish band founded in 2004 which after […]
August 3, 2017
Lux Perpetua-The Curse of the Iron King album cover

Originally founded as SENTINEL, LUX PERPETUA is a Polish band founded in 2004 which after some changes in shape and essence, including a name change to their current war tag, decided to ensue in the fantastic and infinite world of power metal. After releasing an EP called "Forever We Stand" three years ago, two thousand seventeen has witnessed the release of their debut album named "The Curse of the Iron King." This band's main asset is to me the ability to obtain and maintain balance, throughout their music with a manner of living and being power metal with both boldness and sustenance, taken under the wing of Italian powerhouse Underground Symphony.

The comparison with acts like ELVENKING and SKYLARK can turn out undeniable, but then again it does little to zero harm to be a point of comparison with bands from that have been identified as Progressive Metal for their technicality, prowess and accuracy when it comes to perform the most intricate and proportionate pieces of music in Metal today. From first to last, these tracks are to me the true embodiment of the spirit of the genre in which they develop, with features that enhance the listening experience to both those that find this genre within its favorite and those whose predilection resides in finding new and interesting bands. The guitar solo and consequent bridge in "The Werewolf" were astonishing as the continuance of the main melody of the song is ripped by it like a dragon crossing the clouds prior to charging on a defenseless rampart with a deadly scourge of endless fire.

In a creative display of epic proportions, "Celebration" connects the best elements of Classical music with a natural nerve for the execution of power and neoclassical Metal in the form of these six Polish musicians hailing from Warsaw. "The Curse of the Iron King's" most notable feature is that each song is a story to itself forming the whole saga that gives name and concept to this album. A marvelous first album for this band with music worthy of the most epic sagas allowing us to escape from the mundane and frivolousness of this existence.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"The Curse of the Iron King" Track-listing:

1. Celebration
2. Curse of the Iron King
3. The Legend
4. Army of Salvation
5. An Old Bard
6. An Old Song
7. Riders of the Death
8. Rebellion
9. The Werewolf
10. Desert of Destiny
11. Consolation
12. Straight Back to Hell 

Lux Perpetua Lineup:

Artur Rosinski-Vocals
Tomasz Salacinski-Guitar
Mateusz Uscitowski-Guitar
Krzysztof Direwolf-Bass
Magdelana Tararuj- Keyboards
Pawel Zasadzki-Drums

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