A World In Darkness
Lurking Terror

Where many come to chase a dream and angels often die, within the dark heart of a sprawling urban cesspool of heat and crime formed a world based around loud distortion. A release from the unrelenting world above and where many come to escape it all and immerse themselves within the harsh underground world of metal. Congregating around familiar stages where many have made a name for themselves while others become a simple memory of the area. L.A is a western hotbed for talented metal bands big and small so it is no wonder that the talented LURKING TERROR calls this city home.
LURKING TERROR having formed only a few years ago back in 2021 but would release their first demo that was simply named “Demo” within the later part of 2023. Though being considered a relatively newer band, LURKING TERROR is not unfamiliar to the world of Death Metal. The band holds members that date back decades. With the trio of Enrique Chavez on vocals, Vincent Cervera on guitar and Joel Marquez on drums. All members who played together in SADISTIC INTENT came together to form a newer project and pay homage to their roots by naming it after the opening track of the first EP “Impending Doom…” by SADISTIC INTENT, that was released back in 1990. By simply messing around, this trio would form a putrid display of death that would also attract ex member of INFERNAL CONJURATION, Noel Bello, to take up rhythm guitar and Lorenzo Kemp on bass who plays with TEMBLAD.
With such talented members who are quite familiar with the stench of death that spans the western coast down through Mexico, you know LURKING TERROR is going to destroy. Released on November 15th, 2024 under the banner of M-Theory Audio, the band's first EP “A World in Darkness” is sure to showcase their disgusting talent and their path for what is to come. With a solid five tracks that offer a relentless and unapologetic old school death metal that will fester for 15:36 minutes, the album is sure to hit hard. So let’s check it out.
So, looking at the album artwork we have two separate artworks here, one for the vinyl and another for the CD version. Not too sure why they decided to take this approach and I am a bit disappointed in the fact that it is AI rendered. I am not really a fan of this. The CD version is some form of abstract glowing hive that looms over a barren landscape with people. I'm not really sure what's going on there. The Vinyl is what appears to be a skeleton smoldering within a plume of smoke and ash. Little better but still AI. I mean the concept is decent, but I feel they could have done way better. I get it though, AI makes it easier and more affordable, but still not a fan for it to be used for album artwork.
Kicking off the EP we have “In Darkness” that starts off with a simple riff before taking off in full swing with the drumming and vocals setting the pace. Simple but effective death chord progressions layered over a solid drum track that is thickened with a heavy base line. A breakdown takes the track into a decent solo over blastbeats that furthers the intensity. “End of Days” follows up with an aggressive start that leads in with some drum rolls and a slide down the board into a thick riff. Timed in with drums, the track picks up as the main chord progression carries through building into a heavy old school death tone. The bestial vocals coat the aggressive tone in a caustic vileness that works. Another solo breaks in that overlaps the track in such a great fashion before the timed outro.
So far, the short EP hits hard and fast and brings you back to an old Death sound of the 90’s. While keeping with traditional Death chord progressions, LURKING TERROR also adds a flavor of slam death that further adds to the intensity. Fast and heavy with an aggressive tone that seems to be mixed decently as well which makes the listening easy. I am looking into what else these guys come up with as their talent and experience shows. Personally, I think they killed it. An unapologetic display of pure Death Metal in its raw and putrid form. These guys bring it back to the roots.
“This is War” Closes the album off with an intense torrent of aggression that seems to build as the track plays. The caustic vocals that corrodes the thick guitars and heavy riffs, the bass that helps to thicken the track and solid slam death that plays under the squealing lead guitar adds depth. The lead really takes off as it shreds over the slam riffs that fade out. A solid end to “A World in Darkness”.
From what I am hearing, this is an album that you want in your collection. The raw putrid display of death in all its disgusting nature showcases their experience and talent. I am looking forward to seeing their debut full-length album after hearing this. “A World in Darkness” is a solid EP, it hits fast and hard and will leave you wanting more from these guys. Go get a copy and thank me later.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"A World In Darkness" Track-listing:
1.In Darkness
2.End of Days
4.Overcome or Obey
5.This Is War
Lurking Terror Lineup:
Joel Marquez- Drums
Vince Cervera- Lead Guitars
Enrique Chavez-Vocals
Lorenzo Kemp- Bass
Noel Bello- Rhythm Guitars
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