Alwayz On The Run

Lucky Bastardz

LUCKY BASTARDZ are an Italian hard rock band born in Alexandria in 2008. 
The band adopts […]
By Anamaria Carla Ionita
March 5, 2015
Lucky Bastardz - Alwayz On The Run album cover

LUCKY BASTARDZ are an Italian hard rock band born in Alexandria in 2008. 
The band adopts the slogan "Double-Kick Engine Rock'n'Roll" to describe the original musical style, and is in fact known for his boundless energy and attitude, triggered both in the recording studio but especially on stage.

In 2009 they release their debut album "Hated For Who We Are", produced by Swedish label Swedmetal. The band crushes the boxes around Italy and Europe, participating in many festivals as backing band for HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, PINO SCOTTO, CRUSIFIED BARBARA and INNOCENT ROSIE. LUCKY BASTARDZ published their second album, "Bite Me, Dude", at the end of 2010, with Red Pony Records and distributed by Audioglobe. In subsequent years, the band had the opportunity to perform alongside superstars such as ANTHRAX, OBITUARY, DEICIDE, BELPHEGOR and important Italian bands such STRANA OFFICINA, SKANNERS, EXTREMA, ELVENKIND and SECRET SAPHERE. 
Finally in 2014, after a line-up change, and a Baltic tour (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), after 230 Italian gigs and more, the band finished the production of their third full length album "Alwayz On The Run", which was released on 23 January 2015 through Greek Sleaszy Rider Rec.

The intro "Dawn of the Phoenix" had me almost expecting a power metal, double bass drum track to come bursting out of the speakers, with all its fake strings and 'epic' air, but instead we get a bizarre little riffy glam metal number, called "Fuckinsnow".

The entire album is made with clean vocals with sometimes a small raw edge, solid drums, and bass that provides the foundation for the guitar riffs and the melodic solos. We can sum it up as a combination between power and sleazy metal that gives you frustration with almost every riff. When you could swear the next part will be full on power you get nothing more than a sleazy sound and vice-versa. The ZZ TOP-esque rip off "Just Got Paid" has clearly a different approach, and I am not saying it in a positive way.

"Alwayz On The Run" is forcing too much the barrier between genres, and it can be annoying and pointless sometimes.

5 / 10


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"Alwayz On The Run" Track-listing:

1. Dawn of the Phoenix
2. Fuckinsnow
3. Back on my feet
4. Tiger Hostel
5. The Sign On The Wall
6. Liar
7. New Era
8. E-Drugs
9. Wolf's lair
10. The Powder
11. Just Got Paid
12. Circles On The Shore (Lamia) feat. Michele Luppi

Lucky Bastardz Lineup:

Titan - Vocals
Paco - Guitars
Mr. TNT - Bass
Mark - Drums

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