Legends Of The Drenai

Lost Legion

U.K. based LOST LEGION send us their debut recording attempt Legends Of The Drenai. This […]
By Michael Dalakos
April 6, 2007
Lost Legion - Legends Of The Drenai album cover

U.K. based LOST LEGION send us their debut recording attempt Legends Of The Drenai. This three piece demo CD is lyrically based on the novels written by David A. Gemmell, that I'm unfortunately are not familiar with his work so I can't make any serious comments on this matter.
LOST LEGION is one of those few acts that choose to follow the difficult path of epic metal. This is one of the genres that never managed to reach a broad audience in contrast with several other metal genres. LOST LEGION's raw material is really interesting for the dedicated fans of this kind of music, I'm pretty sure however that the majority of metal fans will simply reject it as obscure or anachronistic (thus not trendy and in-fashion).
Listening the three songs of this demo one can pin-point several similarities with other monolithic epic metal bands and even the bizarre vocals of Serbitar seem to fit like a glove in the band's music. Though from U.K. they manage to sound like an 80's Greek metal band - yeah the classic production all true metal freaks around the world loved is here proving that something simply cannot change.
In conclusion this is a really interesting sample of music. There's a strong identity tag behind this band and if they keep working hard I am pretty sure that eventually we will here more from them.

"Legends Of The Drenai" Track-listing:

Carnage On The Walls Of Delnoch
Gellans Lament

Lost Legion Lineup:

Serbitar - Lead & Backing Vocals
Decado - Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals
Dace - Rhythm Guitar & Backing Vocals
Shadak - Bass
Grymauch - Drums

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