Scare Force One


Oki Doki, LORDI, yes LORDI, should I even write about the band, or should we […]
By Eldad "Blacknasa" Stainbook
October 24, 2014
Lordi - Scare Force One album cover

Oki Doki, LORDI, yes LORDI, should I even write about the band, or should we go directly to the review? It's a good question. If you live in Europe there is no reason why you wouldn't have heard about the band that shocked the Eurovision on 2006, with an amazing performance of Heavy Metal and horror show. All of that to win the Eurovision, btw, the song was "Hard Rock Hallelujah", an amazing anthem for Hard and Heavy metal music. If you didn't listen to the song stop here and go YouTube, then come back to the review, believe me it's important.

However, from the days of "Hard Rock Hallelujah" (the song was released in the full length album "The Arockalypse" on 2006) from the day of the amazing hit LORDI released three more albums. I thought them to be good albums.

So LORDI, after the brief explanation I didn't even talk about the music, so it's pretty easy, riff driven Hard Rock and the verge of Metal, including all that Horror Theme with masks and all the shebang.

LORDI's latest release "Scare Force One" (yes like air force one) was produced by Mikko Karmila unlike to the previous releases that were produced by the juggernaut Michael Wagener.

LORDI "Scare Force One" comes with thirteen tracks and really keeps the flame of the band burning, not much different, music and style, from previous releases, however it does seems that the band took some more modern sound and approach. And unlike previous releases that had a story or a theme, Scare Force One doesn't go story wise. Either way the album has the classic vocals of Mr Lordi and classic riffing from Amen.

Overall solid release that was expected from a solid band like LORDI. The only question remains; can you love a monsterman? In this case it will be a monster girl and the answer is YES!!!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Scare Force One" Track-listing:

1. SCG7: Arm Your Doors and Cross Check
2. Scare Force One
3. How To Slice A Whore
4. Hell Sent In The Clowns
5. House Of Ghosts
6. Monster Is My Name
7. Cadaver Lover
8. Amen's Lament To Ra II
9. Nailed By The Hammer Of Frankenstein
10. The United Rocking Dead
11. She's A Demon
12. Hella's Kitchen
13. Sir, Mr. Presideath, Sir!

Lordi Lineup:

Mr. Lordi - Lead Vocals
Amen - Guitar, Vocals
OX - Bass, Vocals
Hella - Keyboards, Vocals
Mana - Drums, Vocals 

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