Scalpels for Blind Surgeons
Lord Gore
August 13, 2019

Hailing from Portland, Oregon LORD GORE came into existence as a collaborative effort between members of THY INFERNO, ENGORGED, and WRAITHEN who had themselves sought out a sound analogue to the likes of AUTOPSY, IMPETIGO, and CARCASS. Enjoying the concept as much as they did the founding members decided to breathe life into their breadth and continue in their pursuits for gritty, macabre, raunchy, and cathartic musings. Self-describing their influences to have stemmed from comic books, horror, sci-fi, exploitation, comedy films, and hentai-that is according to their press release-then it should come as shock to no person that their music has about itself unique and controversial elements that do well to defy sensibilities and explodes through the uncanny valley.
The album commences with the unassuming "Planet of Forgotten Flesh" which itself starts up in a very horror film-esque manner, the sound of a slamming object sounds out but dies in quick succession as a deepened and eldritch voice emits the voicing "welcome all;" coupled with a deep and darkened piano the guitar soon joins and the band follows immediately it is upon this point wherein we are introduced to the band and its themes as a whole. The Death and Grind Metal themes are prevalent and permeated throughout the album letting the listener know the spite and energy that went into each song not just with recording but as well with their inceptions, "Lord of the Flies" does well to illustrate this as the song is literally everywhere, and truly I mean that in the best inflection possible. The music itself is a prime example of Théophile Gautier's motif of "l'art pour l'art" or the more commonly translated Art for Art's Sake-the construction and rendering of each song is done solely for the reason of its existence as any other approach would have the band writing to song formulas and patterns, yet LORD GORE proves itself ambitious and undefined within these attributes.
Songs such as "the Crawling," "Reborn in the Blood of My Enemy," "Enthenogenocide," "Spare Parts," and "Incubation Sickness" clearly define the band's abandon and ferocity with the guitars being played with a sense of relentlessness even during the slow sections it does well to make the songs feel hurried and quick. The drums match the motif as well yet bounce between times on the drop of a pin whereupon at one section the drums will be spaced out and in the very next the beats become near indistinguishable due to the hurried speed of each strike which is itself a risky and unique playing style. The vocals are brutal the entire album through, sounding near to a demonic possession in certain instances as well as creating stark contrasts as they become shrill and piercing.
LORD GORE has taken 15 years to follow up their previous album as has delivered unto listeners a brutal and hypnotic album consisting of pungent and festering titles coupled with even dirtier deliveries, yet for those who are returning fans eager for new material this album is surely that wish made true, and is itself exceptional in introducing new listeners to both the band and the genre blend of Death and Grind Metal.
8 / 10

"Scalpels for Blind Surgeons" Track-listing:
1. Planet of Forgotten Flesh
2. The Deformer
3. Incubation Sickness
4. Lord of the Flies
5. Daudiskegg
6. Spare Parts
7. The Crawling
8. Million Maggot March
9. Reborn in the Blood of My Enemies
10. Enthenogenocide
11. Attack of the Stem Cell Junkies
Lord Gore Lineup:
Jesus H. Dump - Bass
Colon Bowel - Drums
Maniac Neil - Guitars
Gurge - Vocals
Putrid Pierce - Unknown
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