Revelation, The 7th Seal

Lord Belial

Hmmm, creepy logo, evil and horrifying artwork, apocalyptic album title and song titles like Death […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
June 14, 2007
Lord Belial - Revelation

Hmmm, creepy logo, evil and horrifying artwork, apocalyptic album title and song titles like Death Cult Era and Gateway To Oblivion. I think that this is going to be a Black Metal album. Oh, I didn't see it. It is the new LORD BELIAL album you black motherfuckerzzz! Let's see if they can continue their good Black Metal tradition. Join me, black souls...
Formed in 1992, the members say their goal was to create Black/Death Metal music dedicated to the ones without a master. The band is well known in the Black Metal scene and has released various works such as full-length albums, EP's and many more. In April 2006, Thomas left the band, but as I see the band's official website still mentions him. I don't know if he returned. Anyway, this is their seventh full-length album and I am here to see if Black Metal is still alive (if I judge from the latest WATAIN and DODHEIMSGARD releases, it definitely is!).
Two years after the very good Nocturnal Beast, LORD BELIAL return with one more Black Metal filthy little gem. The album continues the successful cooperation between the band and acclaimed producer Andy LaRocque. Andy has done a great job, as he did on every other Lord BELIAL album. Regarding the music, the band continues its brutal, yet majestic Black Metal propaganda and keeps reminding us that Sweden still holds the Black Metal flag high! The band has managed to combine rawness and melody incredibly that they sound unique in a strange way. Imagine MARDUK's brutality, DARK FUNERAL's mystical melodies and EMPEROR's majestic atmosphere, all in one album! In my humble opinion, the band takes its sound one step further with this release. The album really takes you somewhere else, in a place where nobody can invade your spiritual activities. Revelation is definitely something more than I expected to see. Melodic, relentless, brutal, raw and incredibly clever. These are the words that describe LORD BELIAL's new masterpiece.
I always said that the Black Metal scene has become incredibly boring, but lately many bands have managed to make me reconsider some things. I guess we have a long way until Black Metal's dawn. Infernal hailz!

8 / 10


"Revelation, The 7th Seal" Track-listing:

7th Seal
Ancient Splendor
Death As Solution
Unspoken Veneration
Death Cult Era
Vile Intervention
Gateway To Oblivion
Unholy War
Black Wings Of Death

Lord Belial Lineup:

Thomas - Vocals, Guitar
Niclas - Guitar
Anders - Bass
Micke - Drums

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