Almost There


The entire album was best at creating suspense, and unleashing it, with murderous potency. Although Elise’s vocals seem innocuous at times, and even beguiling, they will lure you in with charm and a smile, before the poison sets in and takes hold.
April 19, 2024

From Bandcamp, “LIVGONE haunt, enthrall and uplift on their new crescendo of ethereal Doom, “Almost There.” Newly kindled flame of atmospheric heavy dark rock, they dig deep into the bare and personal with an iron fist of defiance. Immerse yourself in their sonic odyssey, where every note resonates with the echoes of survival and the pursuit of recovery. They beckon you to explore the shadows and find solace in the haunting beauty of "Almost There."

“Walk to Derealization” is a brief introduction to the album, and it is tense, and dark. It segues into “Silverstone.” It begins with a sturdy heavy riff and a heightened scream, before it settles into dark, melancholy tones. The heavy riff brings a coating of thick Doom to the song, while the lighter elements are catchy. “Hypoesthesia” is the long song on the album, clocking in at over ten minutes. The opening tones feature a low and heavily weighted guitar riff and melancholy vocals. The violent black skies then part, and the glory of her vocals shines through, but there is another storm in the horizon. It brews in the background for a long time, but the thunder and lightning never come.

“Watching Them Feel” has a slow, catchy sound with Doom elements that loom over your shoulder like a massive shadow. The band tempers these heavy elements very well, and also lets them loose like a rabid dog when they want to. “Dance So I Can” has jovial elements over a bed of rock so thick, you couldn’t drill through it. At times, it sounds like the band is playing nicely in the sandbox with you, but when they turn their back, you can see their true, monstrous image. “J'y suis Presque” makes no bones about its intentions however. The first image you see if so scary, you have to close your eyes and just wait for the killing spree to end. Although you can’t see the carnage, you can hear the screams, and they will be with you forever.

“There” closes the album, and it is a very dark ending. If you thought that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, you couldn’t be more wrong. The longer you look, the blacker it gets. For me, the entire album was best at creating suspense, and unleashing it, with murderous potency. Although Elise’s vocals seem innocuous at times, and even beguiling, they will lure you in with charm and a smile, before the poison sets in and takes hold.

8 / 10









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"Almost There" Track-listing:

1. Walk to Derealization

2. Silverstone

3. Hypoesthesia

4. Watching Them Feel

5. Dance So I Can

6. J'y suis presque

7. There


Livgone Lineup:

Elise Aranguren

Emil Svensson

Michal Kielbasa


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