

From Bandcamp, "Embracing the relentless passing of time and our own insignificance, LITHIK spans the […]
Lithik - Geomorphology album cover

From Bandcamp, "Embracing the relentless passing of time and our own insignificance, LITHIK spans the expanse of Black Metal and Doom, with an organic, melodic and somber aesthetic evoking the harsh, rugged, and eternal landscapes of Australia." The album has eleven songs, and "Ignite" is the first. It's a short mood-setter, and the mood is very somber. "Germination in Fire" is the first proper track. It moves slowly, with a simple riff, and blackened vocals. "Tempest" is much longer. A heavy riff with audible bass notes open the song, and those gravely vocals come in again. The pace changes a few times throughout, speeding up and slowing down again.

"Shadows in Stone" is another long, drawn-out sound. The trouble with this is that if you are going for a very slow Doomy pace, you better put in super-heavy accents or deep guttural, but this song has neither. Two of the latter songs are short segues. "Eruption" almost has a jovial groove to it, and it is unexpected. But even with the faster pace, the song is fairly unilateral, and it fails to get my blood pumping. "One in a Hundred Year Flood" has some more real emotions in it. The emotions are sad, and depressive, but also angry at times. The layers that are added along the way also contribute to somber aesthetics, and the album is getting better.

"El Nino/La Nina" has a bit of a disconnect between the key of the vocals and the key of the music. It's almost as if he is searching for the right notes, and when he finds them, he shifts again. "Mass Extinction" has some promise, and Ray is figuring out how to make a memorable sound out of a simple riff. This song also has some teeth to it also, and it might be the best and most well put together song on the album. "Glacial" closes the album. It begins with a slow, Doomy groove, and grows into a fuller sound as it moves along. The pacing varies a little as well. Overall, you have to admire a solo artist for putting together this entire band, and composing all of the songs, as well as performing them. But in the end, the music failed to excite me in any way.

4 / 10

Nothing special








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"Geomorphology" Track-listing:

1. Ignite
2. Germination in Fire
3. Tempest
4. Shadows in Stone
5. Echoes
6. Eruption
7. One in a Hundred Year Flood
8. El Nino/La Nina
9. Mass Extinction
10. Crystalise
11. Glacial

Lithik Lineup:

Ray McGill - Everything

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