Snake Wine

Light Pupil Dilate

Light Pupil Dilate. Another new band, with its first album via a record company fell […]
By Harry Papadopoulos
February 18, 2008
Light Pupil Dilate - Snake Wine album cover

Light Pupil Dilate. Another new band, with its first album via a record company fell into my hands. When I first saw the cover, I didn't know what to expect, can you? After reading the small bio on the other side of the promo, I was curious to listen to Snake Wine. So, it's time to write down what I believe about this album.

The band's birth is placed somewhere around 2000. Well, I said that this is the first album that will be released in Europe in February 11th, because they already have two self-made releases, an EP called Neck Skin in 2001 and the Cascades LP in 2003. From then on, they did many live shows with great bands like MASTODON and ALL THAT REMAINS. So as you can see, the band doesn't have a big bio, but what counts is the music itself, right? So, on with the album!

LIGHT PUPIL DILATE are playing post hardcore, but their influences don't stop there. As they say in their bio, they are trying to blend elements of different kinds of Metal, from Thrash like SLAYER to Progressive Rock from bands such as KING CRIMSON and elements from the Punk scene (MDC, NOMEANSO); they succeeded in it, at some point. To give you a more straightforward view of what the band is playing, except the post-Hardcore characterization, if you like bands like MASTODON you will like those guys, too! Opening freak out, Prana is the perfect example of LIGHT PUPIL DILATE's sound. It brings in mind MASTODONS's like assault with sludge-y riffs played at a breakneck pace. And even though I refer to MASTODON a lot, don't think that LIGHT PUPIL DILATE is another copy of them. It's just a safe comparison to make. And it is logical for the two bands to look alike, since two of the members of LPD did the pre-production of Blood Mountain.

Snake Wine brings an interesting sound to the table, reminds you of some great bands that their last albums where, in my humble opinion, not that good. OK, the comparison with MASTODON is inevitable but LIGHT PUPIL DILATE have their own style. Very good compositions, great production and (in a few words) an album worth buying it. Time to listen to Boundary Dissolution again!

7 / 10


"Snake Wine" Track-listing:

Poly Viral
Big Open
Shower Me With Your Love
Boundary Dissolution

Light Pupil Dilate Lineup:

Michael Green - Drums
Mike Chvasta - Vocals - Bass
Eric Searle - Vocals - Guitar

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