Bad News


Here it goes for one more time. You already know that I am allergic to […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
October 2, 2008
Ligeia - Bad News album cover

Here it goes for one more time. You already know that I am allergic to Ferret's releases so I guess that writing this review will not be something that will take more than 5 minutes.

The band hails from Massachusetts, USA and has taken its name from a story written by Edgar Allan Poe, and since I am a huge fan of the specific writer, I have already hated this band.

Sorry for being kind of racist, but why does a Metalcore/Emocore band abuse this man? Anyway, Too much melody, shitty screams, ultra-melodic singing, less than mediocre riffs and music that you would like to listen to only if you are 16 years old and you cut your flesh every time you break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend. Just think about it, it is cheaper than buying Prozac!

3 / 10


"Bad News" Track-listing:

Bad News
Johnny Cash
I've Been Drinking
Hot Mess
One Night Stand
Teenage Wasteland
Heroin Diaries
Thanks For Nothing

Ligeia Lineup:

Keith Holuk - Vocals
Ryan Ober - Guitar
Brandon Whipple - Bass
Phil Fonseca - Drums

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